xxxix. YAY THE END

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( chapter thirty nine )

GATEN BOUNCED HIS knee up and down, as he was still about an hour away, while the show started in less than 15 minutes.

"can't you go any faster?" the boy pushes, his stress clearly showing.

"sorry kid, i'm already above the limit, and i don't wanna push it anymore. we should be there in say an hour."
the driver says, nevertheless speeding up a bit more.

gaten sighs, slumping in his seat as sadie pats his back. "don't worry, we'll get there. i want to see her too." she whispers, and gaten nods, cracking a small smile.

meanwhile, back at the theatre, angelina was stressing as well. she'd never been this nervous in her life, and the one person who could truly calm her down wasn't answering his phone.

janet sees angelina looking down at her phone and decides to swoop in and take it. "hey!" angelina yelps.

"stop calling him. it's not good for you, now go backstage, they need you." janet scolds, but still gives angelina a smile. "i'll put your phone with my stuff, okay? and don't think about him, just focus on this. you're gonna kill it ang."

this boosts angelina's spirits tremendously, making her smile profoundly. "thanks janet. i needed that. now we should get to the others."

"i'll meet you over there in a sec."
janet reassures, and angelina shrugs.

entering the lock on angelina's phone, janet copies gaten's number into hers and sends him a text.

this is janet, angelina's friend. can you call me real quick?

uhh sure

putting angelina's phone into her bag, janet walks to the broom closet and closes the door so no one can hear the conversation.

hey, this IS janet, right?

yeah, now where the hell are you gaten? the show starts in literally ten minutes now!

i know, i know, and we're almost there

how far is 'almost there?'

uh, an hour?


hey, chill, we'll get there


we will! we might be late, but we'll get there

good. i have to go but i guess i'll see you soon gaten

see you janet

janet hangs up, taking a deep breath. she knew that seeing gaten was something angelina needed, and now. well, not now, but you know.

stepping out of the closet, janet puts her phone into her bag, and joins the rest of the cast. she had bigger matters to deal with than a boy who had very bad punctuality.

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