xxvii. WOW

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( chapter twenty seven )

ANGELINA WAS WOWED by janet. well, not specifically janet, but her massive house.

walking in, if angelina thought the exterior was beautiful, the interior was even better.

it's pristine white everything sparkled in front of her, and the room had the perfect temperature. janet saw angelina's jaw open wide and laughed.

"nice huh?" janet asked, and angelina nodded. "yeah, i thought so too at first but you get tired of it. now come on! we have got to get to know each other!"

janet grabs angelina's hand, pulling her up the stairs to her room. and by room, she means castle. janet's room was humongous, still with the white theme, but also a tapestry, fairy lights, and succulents. basically, it was a tumblr room.

"janet i love your room!" angelina says, her eyes roaming the room.

"yeah, me too, so don't touch anything," janet mumbles under her breath. "so, what do you wanna do?"

angelina sits down on the bed, sinking into the memory foam. "it's really up to you, im down for whatever."

"okay, cool! wanna watch something? maybe stranger things, im almost done with it." janet suggests, and angelina puts a fake smile on her face.

"s-sure! sounds great. what episode you on?" angelina asks.

"oh uh, the last episode of season 2?"

"great! that's like, probably my favorite and least favorite episode."

"well then, let's watch it!"

"OH MY GOD, why? don't turn down dustin, you jerks!" janet yells at the tv, throwing a piece of popcorn at it.

angelina laughs, but it's a short one. even now, seeing gaten on screen playing one of her favorite characters broke her heart. and without even realizing it, a tear slips down her cheek.

angelina quickly wipes it away, but janet notices. "ang, what's wrong? don't you like this part?"

angelina gives her a small smile, but it falters. she nods, then shakes her head. "um, where's your bathroom?"

"down the the hall, fifth door on them left." janet says, watching the sniffling girl escape the room. and to janet's luck, angelina had left her phone behind.

snatching it from the nightstand, janet presses the home button and no shocker there, there's a password. janet huffs in frustration, but types in a random number.

of course, it doesn't work. then, out of curiosity, she tries 123456 and it shockingly opens.

instantly, janet goes to angelina's messages, and sees the recent contacts.







janet first clicks on gaten's messages, and she quickly skims through them. from the looks of it, janet thought they were dating.

but then, a certain group chat catches her eye, and she clicks on it. in it, she sees the final messages, which is the fight between the two teens.

quickly screenshotting the messages and sending them to herself, janet also writes down the casts phone numbers. who knows? they might come in handy one day.

hearing angelina's footsteps down the hall, janet slaps angelina's phone back onto the nightstand. seeing the girl tear free, but makeup smudgy.

"is everything okay?" janet asks, a soft smile on her face as angelina sinks into the spot on the bed next to her.

"just dandy. now let's finish this, you'll be so shook!" angelina says, but feeling just the opposite.


hey guys


anyways, what do you think janet's up to?

she's probably upset because im not going to her fucking baby shower 🤷‍♀️

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