xxviii. I'VE CHANGED

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( chapter twenty eight )

LATER THAT EVENING, janet and angelina were still up, talking away.

"wait, so you've never kissed anyone?" janet asks, although not really surprised.

angelina shakes her head. "nope. i mean, you did make basically the whole school hate me so, that was an issue."

janet facepalms, causing the two to laugh. "right, sorry about that. it was super petty of me and will never happen again."

angelina raises an eyebrow at janet.

"i promise. i've changed, and you really aren't that bad you know."

angelina smiles. "good. and yeah, you aren't completely bad yourself, janet."

"great! so like, i know this is kinda personal, but what was up with you and that dustin gaten kid? i know you have a story behind it, and it's okay if you don't want to say but, you know, im always here for you if you need to talk." janet asks, crossing her fingers.

angelina takes a deep breath. this would be the first person she's told in person, and she knew it was the right one. she trusted janet completely now, and she knew this was the right thing to do.

"okay so..."

ONCE ANGELINA FINISHED the story, janet was shook.™

"that jerk! im going down to atlanta to beat his ass!" janet yells, making angelina smile through her sadness.

"yeah. the only thing that im happy about through this is that the rest of his cast, his friends, have stayed on my side. they're totally against him, especially sadie, she's the softest and sweetest thing ever." angelina admits.

"that's so cute! im glad you have someone to talk to about this." janet says, placing her hand on angelina's.

"yeah," angelina smiles, grasping her hand. "me too."

ONCE THE MORNING rolled around and angelina left janet's house, janet was conflicted.

while she might hate angelina, their sleepover wasn't completely terrible. it was more fun than what she'd have with charlotte or alison, which made her heart ache.

she knew she was angelina's only 'friend' and she didn't really want to hurt her. deep down, janet genuinely like angelina, which made her decision even harder.

should she expose her? should she continue her friendship? or should she scrap all the dirt she has on angelina and start over?

who knows? we'll just have to see.

i miss abby. she'd be
screaming at me for this chap
and then apologizing


anyways enough emo stuff


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