Chapter 1

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( The Music I have added is supposed to put suspense for the chapter I hope you enjoy)


Thunder boomed, Rain crashed down on the house. Screams overtook the air. A couple was trapped in their bedroom. The young woman was covered in blood her arm was gone and blood gushed from her wound as she cried and screamed. The young man was holding his wife, tears falling down his cheeks as he slowly got soaked in his wife's blood. A shadow stood before them once more muttering that he wants them to give their child to him.

" No, I will not give you my baby girl!"  The woman screamed while her husband pulled her back.

" Why do you need our daughter?!" The man asked trying to stay calm but inside he was in a panic.

A laugh filled the house the shadow started to slither itself around both of them wrapping them in the mist. The two were suddenly lifted off the floor while the shadow wrapped harder. The air was slowly decreasing while the couple gasped slowly losing breath

" I need your daughter that's it" the shadow spoke he stared at them his eye widening " I see that's why your stupid aura is guys can work for me I can see the magic within your bloodlines hidden by all that disgusting muggle blood. " The shadowed smirked

" Can you speak English I really do not understand your type of word usage" The women spoke gasping for breath. The shadow laughed

" I will be coming back for your child and once I find her the Lock will finally have the key"

"NOOO!!" The women yelled and the man covered her mouth

" Gina stay quiet! She will be safe I promise you"

" Jae...I believe little girl will be safe"

And with that

They  disappeared

A couple hours later ( Brought to you by Scorpiuses lushes hair)

" Mama!" A cheerful voice shouted when opening the door. Her hair was short and brown she wore a light blue dress with frills on the bottom.  The Russian Blue cat walked up to her and jumped into her arms and rubbed her face on the girls face " Meoooow"

" Natasha! I love you, your so fluffy and cute and ah- Where are mom and dad?"  The girls asked, " I wanna show them my drawing I did of the family!" 


The girl turned around shocked while holding her cat who was struggling in her arms and hopped out

" Are you Kou?" The women asked. She was absolutely beautiful her hair was so lushes and the way she dressed was like a princess.

Kou nodded, the woman put out a hand.

" Hermione Granger, I am an old friend of your dad" 

" You know Dada?! " Kou responded, " Do you know where they are ?!"

Hermione signed, and grabbed the little girls hand and began walking.

"It is not safe for you here... I'm sorry Kou "

"It is not safe? What do you mean this is my home?"

Kou titled her head to the side confused  " I am sorry" Hermione said looking down with a grimaced look.

Suddenly Hermione waved her wand and everything went black...


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