Chapter 3

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" Scorpius what are you doing?" Albus whispered to the white-haired boy carrying the mysterious girl they met on the train.

" Kou's still asleep what was I suppose to do?!"

" Wake her up"

" oooohhh!"

All the kids stared at them murmuring

What is Voldemort's son even holding?

   Is that a regular muggle at a wizard school?

Why is Potter with them?

Scorpius and Albus brought Kou to the cafeteria and set her down on the bench on the Slytherin side and the murmurs kept surrounding them.

" You all may remain silent!" Said, Professor McGonagall as she walked down the cafeteria hall to the Slytherin table from the sorting hat, The Professor walked to Scorpius and the sleeping girl that sparked everyone's interest. Kou slowly started to open her eyes and she looked at the Professor eye and eye and suddenly jumped and hugged her.

" Aunt McGonagall!!!" Kou shouted while hugging her tightly

" Kou I cannot believe you're here! So you are our lucky transfer student"   Professor McGonagall patted her head while trying to not be awkward hugging back. The student's murmur grew louder and louder at the new information. Scorpius mouth was wide and Albus was too shocked to speak.

Scorpius turned toward Albus and pulled him aside to another room away from the dining hall. Kou eyes followed them but were distracted by all the magic that was happening.

" AUNT MCGONAGALL!! SHE SAID AUNT" Scorpius geeked to his best friend and Albus nodded

"This is strange, Albus said in a serious tone while thinking hard while Scorpius on the other end was fanboying

" This...IS AWESOME!!!!!!!" Scorpius shouted once again and Albus kept shaking his head in disbelief

" We need to come up with a plan to find out who this person is" Albus started to speak

" Her name is Kou"

" You know what I mean!"

"She's like a fresh jasmine flower"


" SHES SO ADORABLE!!! When she was geeking over that band called BTS! It was so cute!!!!"

" Scorpius! Shut U-" A cough sounded through the room... it was Kou. She was in a Hogwarts uniform her semi curly black hair that seemed to fade to brown in some areas was set on her shoulders, she wore black rectangular glasses set it made her nose look small.  All together she looked like a different person than who they saw on the train. She looked nervous as she stared at the two boys and fixed her tie which was orange. Scorpius and Albus came to a realization...


Professor McGonagall walked up from behind her and looked at the boys

" The feasts starting you should return to your tables"

The boys nodded and Scorpius looked at Kou one more time and she mouthed Thank you so much. They all went back into the dining room as celebration commenced. Kou could not stop staring at the Slytherin table she was insanely interested in the boys who helped her and she hoped that maybe they could be her first friends...

( Flashback brought to you by Albus's love for older women)

The hat groaned and shouted being placed upon Kou's head.

" A girl with a dark past fits for Slytherin but her heart to pure to good overtakes the darkness. Wonders......enchantments.....This girl is special yet.....YET.....NO ONE HAS WITNESSED HER ABILITIES"

The Sorting Hat took a breath

The crowd gasped, a non-wizard being got placed inside Hufflepuff what the bloody hell is going on.

( Hope you guys like it!!)

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