Chapter 4

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" Meooooowwwwww!"


Kou shouted seeing her beautiful Russian blue. Natasha ran up to her and rubbed against her leg. Kou picked her up, she is the only family Kou had left.  Kou was walking and Natasha followerd her. through the corridors. Kou kept looking around and kept being amazed at all the floating stairs. She was fascinated by the pictures moving. Kou kept walking and stopped to pick up her cat Natasha. She kept searching and she came upon the Slytherin Dorm entrance.  Aunt McGonagall told her, she has to stay in a different house dorm while they get her room ready .  Kou was confused since their wizards cant they just make it with a whip of their wand.

Kou's POV

I don't know why Aunt Mcgonagall wanted me to stay in the Slytherin Dorm...was it because I am not suppose to be here or... I am so confused right now. As I walked into the dorm everything was splattered green, it felt like a relaxing color to look at. It seemed to calm the soul. It was huge, I needed to find the girls side and room 111.  I walked up the spiraling staircase looking at all the paintings. The one of a man with shortish long black with a stern look stood out to me. The name read Severous Snape, he looked like a wise men and I nodded while coutinueing to climb the continous staircase. I came to a sudden stop when a door floated in front of me.

" Which Room?" The door spoke

" uhh 111... I think"

The door suddenly, grabbed my cape flying me past halls. I held onto Natasha for dear life as it started to move fast. As I looked around I saw paintings laugh at me their mouth widening with a giggle and ceramics cackling. I felt my head get dizzy my ears were clogged with the sound of snakes hissing. The door of a room suddenly appreared in front of me and it opened and I was thrown in then everything went black.



" Is that Kou?"


" She does not look to well and why is she here in  Slytherin's boys dormotory?"

" I cant believe A GIRL is in our dorm this is really fascinating"

" Oh Bloody Hell Scorpius we have a girl in our room"

" I know! OUR ROOM!!!"

I slowly opened my eyes color coming back. My stomach felt twisted as I look to the side I see a white haired boy petting Natasha... Is that

" Scorpius?" I said weakly still feeling extremly sick from the trip. Scorpius looked over quickly and smiled suddenly hugging me. I was startled at first and slowly hugged back.

" I thought you...WERE DEAD" Scorpius exclaimed and I laughed at his reaction. I looked around there room and it seemed neat , They had two beds, The bed Albus was sitting o seemed to be his side he had clothes sprawled on his warbdrobe and wore a tangtop looking at a book he seemed displased in while occasionly looking at Scorpius and I. Scorpiuses side seemed near surrounded by many books there was a flower vase next to his bed on his night stand it was a beautiful rose that seemed to be withering. I looked sad for a moment, things that are dying and or dead make my mood sink low. It makes me think is really everyone going to die one day, Should I not be existing in this sad world that calls itself the center of the universe.

" this room 111?" 

" We are 111B" Albus responded while continueing to look displeased at his book.

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