Chapter 2

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Kou from then on was sent to muggle schools by the ministry of magic. They decided to do this to keep her identity a secret but in reality, after years passed by her secret power was growing stronger and stronger. Kids at the muggle schools would call Kou Orphan girl or daughter of nothing or even A dirty Mutt.  She kept herself hidden in the  school library because of this and was mainly on her phone. But her loneliness and sadness were taking over her mind and the aura she was giving off was strong enough to cause the shadow who haunted her as a child to be able to detect her easily. Hermione discussed with other wizards and that sending her to Hogwarts was the safest choice.

And that's what happened....( Time Jump brought to you by Fresh Bread and Milk)

" AlBUUUSS" Scorpius screamed out of breath running to catch up to his best friend lugging his suitcase behind him.  Albus laughed while boarding the train.

" I cannot believe our dads had to deal with something and not see their sons off." Albus said jokingly. Scorpius laughed and showed his white plastic bag.

" Candy my friend?" Scorpius responded disregarding Albus's comment

" YES CANDY!" Albus said " Mum put us back on the candy diet so thank you my savior" Scorpius laughed hard " My savior?!" He could not hold in his laughter, and while looking around the train, Albus found a booth and they opened the door and entered 

" Remember Scorpius its the booth where we first met!"

Scorpius looked out the window and smiled before deciding to take a seat.  Albus smiled and grabbed the candy bag. and decided to munch on some chocolate frog.

The train started its way...

The door suddenly opened shocking both boys and a girl with black hair in a messy bun stepped through she wore black leggings and a sweatshirt with a plaid covering. She has brown eyes and the eyebags beneath them looked prominent. It seems as if she hasn't slept in days. She looked at both of them and fidgeted and pointed at the seat next to Scorpius's.

" Is this seat taken?"

Scorpius shook his head quickly staring at the girl as she plopped next to him. He looked at Albus and gave him the Hey your not the only one who can attract ladies look and looked back at the girl. She gazed at the boy with dashing pure white hair and beautiful gray eyes.  She started to analyze his whole facial structure.

" My name is Kou! It is nice to meet you" She said Happily like her whole mood of exhaustion was wiped away.

" Scorpius Malfoy, at your service" He took her hand and was about to kiss it but Albus slapped his hand.

" Albus Potter you may have heard of me...sadly" He moaned and she looked at him in confusion

" I don't know you are you a celebrity?" She tilted her head and left Scorpius and Albus in shock

" YOU DONT KNOW POTTER OR MALFOY" They shouted in synch while the girl looked at them shocked shaking her head.

" If you guys are celebrities...I am sorry I don't know, but BTS has taken over my heart" She puts a handkerchief to her mouth and fake cries " Their just so beautiful my heart cannot take it"

Scorpius started to laugh really hard " Hey SHES A DORK LIKE ME"  he cheered

Albus was just stunned. A girl who has never heard of him?  Doesn't everyone in the wizarding world know the Potters and even the Malfoys?

" Do you like BOOKS?!" Scorpius asked still watching the girl as she nodded and he cheered. While Scorpius was boasting to Albus it seemed as if Kou's mind was drifting off and her eyes slowly shut and after a while you could hear her little snores.

" Look she got bored of you" Albus pointed laughing and Scorpius turned to his side and saw her sleeping and made a frowny face while Albus continued to laugh. Scorpius then noticed Kou looked like she had a pained look on her face and twitched. Scorpius just stared at her as she reminded him of himself as a kid.

" She smells like fresh Jasmine Flowers. " Scorpius said to Albus shocked " It reminds me of someone.."

" SCORPIUS STOP SNIFFING GIRLS!" Rose Granger Weasley yelled opening the door

" My lovely Rose~" Scorpius said putting his arm around her and she knocked it off " Think of a different technique Scorpion King. You put me through bloody hell an I will never forgive you for ripping my mum's dress!" She then looked at Albus " nice seeing you cuz! Why do you still sit with him?"

" He is my best friend" Albus responded annoyed. Rose rolled her eyes and left shutting the door harshly.

" Now as I was saying" Scorpius continued

" She smells like fresh Jasmine flowers I already heard you"


Albus was shocked and looked at Kou, his eyes squinting. He pointed at her and Scorpius nodded.

" No Wa-"

" Yes Way!" Scorpius interjected " we should give her a chance!"

Albus signed and shrugged his shoulders. Scorpius made a YES I DID IT POSE and put his hand on his cheek continuing to stare at her. He was drawn by her aura it was so mysterious. Scorpius believed it was full of wonder and untold stories. Albus also continued to stare at her but with a different thought.

Who is she....


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