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Mateo finished off his drink happily, a easy going smile on his lips as he enjoyed the warmth that settled in his stomach from the drink, warming him from the inside out and chuckled softly at the comment of his singleness. He hadn't put much thought into it in the past, too busy running a country to worry about finding himself a spouse, "I could say the same things to you, my lord" He added the suffix my to the title, showing he meant it in a friendly manner.

He watched the interaction between the two and a slight coy smile spread across his lips and he nudged Aaron gesturing at the two with a slight chuckle, though his laugh slightly died off when he heard Leonan's declaration of wanting to live, his eyes crinkling in the corners from the happiness that gave him, it was shortlived and he let his expression fall neutraly when he heard the woman speak up.

His expression slightly astonished at the forwardness they both were giving off, he laughed slightly and looked to the side at Aaron for help, but all the man could do was bristle, Mateo finally said, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I've never had a woman do such things for me," his eyes darted to the crosslegged form of Leonan on the bed confusedly.

He offered and apologetic smile and respectfully took a step back away from her, reaching out and gripping Aaron's elbow, slightly pleading with his closest friend, "Perhaps I could offer my dearest friend for such a generous offer," He paused slightly as he looked at the two in turn, "I've only allowed my closest friends to touch me in such intimate manners as a massage, I don't plan on anything further unless it is with whom I wish to have as my spouse, please I kindly request you do not offer things so carelessly," A tight smile on his lips.

"Perhaps, you could show Aaron around so that he may help me not to get lost in future runs for the kitchen?" He offered his gaze on Leonan, "And of course, I'll tend to you if you need anything," Though he had asked, Aaron knew better then to refuse and smiled kindly at the stunning women, his cold demeanor shedding slightly for a kind face as he awaited the woman's response, "Please, that moron would be lost without us, literally," Mateo barked out a laugh, walking over to the side of the bed and pulled up a chair, his gaze had a slight more intensity behind it yet he remained the same, a smile on his lips as he sat down upon it.

"Really so prudish?" Leonan cooed, his head tilting down to the left. Brushing away the hair that had descended over his eyes, the blond's eyes stayed narrowed and focused on Mateo.
"She'll do as I ask - so please," his head turned to the right, averting his eyes to the woman and fainting a coy smile. "Escort our new friend to the storehouse and kitchens, then," he murmured, still rested at the foot of the bed with his legs crossed over eachother.

As she obliged the man's request, departing along with him, Mateo and Leonan were abandoned in the vast scale of the bedroom; with its intricate decorating, craftmasnship and detailing. Breaking the momentary silence that had abruptly permeated the aura of the room, Leonan slightly cocked his head back, resting one hand in his nape, and letting his legs slip down. His figure, despite its petite and delicate proportions, maintained bold, well-defined lines in both the v-shape pointing down from his abdomen, his collarbone and ribs. More stretched out on the bed, Leonan hardly seemed to care that his demeanor might come off as increasingly alluring.
Running one hand up the side of his face, as if scrubbing away his fatigue, Leonan gave out a yawn - its high pitch more resembling the yelp of a small fox.
"You're certainly not what I expected-" he gave a boyish grin, "not exactly a warlord; though you have enough men to take an entire continent."
Leonan took another drink from his mug, exhaling a faint sigh after, "if anything, I feel now that I owe you a great debt for your mercy." Easing and spreading out his cross-legged position, Leonan planted his hands firmly on the covers, allowing one leg to dangle over the bed, while the other spread out much further to the side.
"I'm jealous of your... haram of able-bodied 'advisors'. - I was stuck with all of my father's old council; they hated me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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