I keep looking at my new ID and giggling. I look over at my dad whose trying very hard to control himself. None of us knew this was going to happen, he can't possibly blame me.
"Come on, I have to get back to work and I want to take you home first." P'Pha says wrapping his arm around me.
I look at my dad and give him an apologetic look. I know he's mad and I'm sure that after P'Pha drops me off I'll hear about it but until then, I can ride home with my brand spanking new husband.
"P'Pha, can you give me a minute? I want to thank that man." I say then go to daddy.
"I told you that you were rushing. Now look you're married to a complete stranger! It was bad enough that you were going to live with him but now you're legally bound to him!" My father rants in a whisper.
"Daddy! P'Pha is not a stranger and you know that. And you know that we only came to apply for a wedding license not get married. I wanted to get married once I told him the truth in front of all of our friends and family thank you very much." I say placing my hands on my hips and stomping my foot.
He stops and looks at me pulling his head back. His expression instantly changes. He starts cackling at me. What the hell is so funny?
"Did you just stomp your foot at me? What are you like, four?" He asks.
"That's not funny daddy." I say.
"That's the thing son, it's very funny. If I had known this was going to happen I would have recorded it, because it's gold." He says walking away laughing loudly.
It's not funny.
I walk back to P'Pha who has a strange look on his face. I lace my fingers with his and start heading to the car.
"Apparently he thinks it's funny that we didn't know we were getting married today." I explain.
He nods his head and smiles. Just as we're about to reach the car he lets go of my hand and jogs ahead to open the door for me. I stop and look at him like he's stupid. I'm not a girl. I'm not even a girly man, why is he acting like this?
"What's up with you? Why do you keep doing that?" I ask.
"Doing what?" He asks back.
"Opening the door for me." I tell him.
"Because that's what I'm supposed to do." He replies.
"No. It's not. You do that for girls, or lady boys. I'm neither, so stop treating me like that." I tell him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would bother you." He says softly.
"It does. I'm not a girl. I'm a man. A man who can open his own doors. I don't feel that way about all things, but this one, it bugs me." I say truthfully.
"OK. I didn't know. We'll learn each other's likes and dislikes overtime won't we? Let's not get worked up over it now." He says.
"We will, and hopefully you'll still like me as you get to know the real me." I say.
"There's no hopefully. There's undoubtedly. For all your strengths and weakness, every little quirk that you have, I will love 80% of them for sure." He says staring me in the eyes.
I can't stop the chuckle that flies out as I clap my hand over my mouth. It soon bubbles into full on laughter, and just like that, my P'Pha changed the atmosphere in the car.
"Let's get rings tonight." He says as he starts the car.
"Only if you take me out to dinner first. No freebies for you mister." I say in a teasing tone.

Real Love
FanfictionIt's five years after they've graduated from college and gone they're separate ways. Pha has been kicking himself for not being brave enough to go after Yo even though he had feelings for him. Since graduating from college Pha has been looking for...