Chapter 7

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The way to the company was silent, me walking behind him. Once we reached the door of the dance practice room he turned and said looking into my eyes "I'm telling them, we need to end this Nahee it was enough lying." I was not able to contradict him because he flung opened the door.

"ATTENTION HERE!" he yelled gaining full attention from GOT7 "Nahee is bullied at school, as you all suspected the bruises are not because she falls, they are from the punches she receives at school." He said, turning to face me "Now, can you let us help you?"

I ended up accepting their offer, tomorrow they will be going to school with me and we will tell the principal about it showing the bruises and the videos from the CCTV.


"Yeah, we could have helped" said Jackson and Youngjae

"And you wouldn't have suffered like this" said Jinyoung and Yugyem

Bambam just came to me and gave a long and tight hug "Always count on me my little girl" he whispered. I smiled.

Since Bambam and Jaebum always treated me as a little sister we are used to a lot of skinships we hug, hold hands, they carry me on their back or bride style, etc. So it is pretty normal for us three, with the other boys I'm close very close with them as well but I we don't have all those skinships that I have with Bambam and Jaebum because they are just really really really important in my life.

I fell asleep watching them practice, but woke up from the whispering. Might be the boys... I was too lazy to open my eyes and so I fell asleep again.

When I woke up I felt someone beside, I opened my eyes and saw Jaebum on his phone lying beside me.

When he noticed I was up "You must have been extremely tired to snore." He said jokingly, "You seemed to be in your deepest dreams, so I sent the boys first and said I'm taking you when you wake." He answered my questioning face.

"Oh, thank you." I said not knowing what to say.

There was a moment of awkward silence. I don't know what to say, it feels weird after what happened that day.

"Let's go then." he said slowly getting up from the couch, but I hold his arm stopping him.

"Am I still a little sister to you?" I asked holding his arm tighter and looking straightly into his eyes.

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