The Perfect Moment

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At the end of Refuge, Ryan did the sweetest thing. He walked me home. Ryan held my hand and walked me home. We talked about the craziest things. But the time went by quickly. Before we knew it, we were on my street. I had to say goodbye. We hugged and he said: I love you. It made me feel happy and special. I loved the moment we had together. I knew he was perfect for me. He was so kind, funny, caring, compassionate, and very sweet. He was so protective of me. He called me baby and always wanted to hold my hand. I was okay with that. I knew that I found my perfect match. Whenever I started dating Ryan, I thought that I would start a family with him. I thought we would have children and I thought that he would be the one for me all of my life. Some things changed but at that time, I thought he was going to be mine. He was my knight and shining armor. Ryan made me feel special. He made me feel like that I had potential and he brought the true happy side of me. Whenever he was around, I was so happy and he made me smile whenever I didn't want too. He made me feel worthy. He made me feel like a real human being. He made me feel protected. Ryan never did anything wrong to me. He never yelled at me, hurt me and other things. He made me feel like a queen. He was my king. It was the perfect couple. We were made for each other. He was my true friend. Not just my true friend but my best friend and I was proud. I never thought I would became best friends but did. It was crazy because he was my pride and joy. My love. Whatever he did just made me smile. I don't know why but he just made everything better. I knew that 2018 was going to get better since I had Ryan in my life.

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