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When I came to everything was dark and blurry. I blinked a few times to focus and looked at my surroundings. I was laying down in a really comfy bed and there were these huge windows all around me like a royal room or something. A castle. Yeah.

There wasnt any light though. Wait, i thought. If theres no can i see?

I couldnt figure this out so i ignored it. My left arm was really sore and when i looked at it there were black veins tracing up from two wounds in my wrist. Oh my god is that infected? I heard footsteps down the hall and immediately called for help. In an instant, someone opened the door. "What do you need?" Said a pretty blonde girl that i faintly remembered.

"IM DYING." I told her.

She laughed. "No, silly. You're already dead."

I gasped. "What?!"

"Well, we turned you into a vampire. I hope you don't mind. We didn't mean to inconvenience you. Like, as long as we act within like a week we can probably turn you back. I think."

"Wait, what happened? I need to finish eighth grade! I have finals to take!"

She snickered. "Yeah, sure, genius. It's July. You've been unconscious for two months. Welcome to high school."

"Ohmigod *what?* Imma need some context."

"What you really need is rest," she said. "I'm Lauren, by the way. You should really sleep. Bye!"

I wanted to protest but she was gone. Ugh! How does she move so fast? I have to learn to do that.

I tried to sit up but I fell right back down into the massive comfy luxury bed. Ok maybe I won't try the teleporty thing yet. Wow i was tired! Existence is hard sometimes. Before I knew it, I was falling asleep.


I woke up again and I felt better this time so, ignoring my throbbing wrist, I wandered into the hallways to find some food. Mmm food.

The house was totally huge! It was like a full manor home. Even bigger than a manor home. A manest home.

Eventually I found the kitchen and I made some toast. Yum! Just what I needed! I loved toast.

Then I sat down at the table and a few other girls wandered in and made some food. Mostly, they walked in, looked in the fridge, then sighed dissapointedly and left. This must be one hungry girl gang.

After I was full I called for Lauren and she appeared at the other side of the table.

"Hi!" She said. "How did you sleep?"

"I think good. I had a weird dream."

"That's ok. What did you need?"

"Why exactly did you make me a vampire?"

She paused, a little frustrated. "Uh. It felt right. Like I think youll like it here."

"Yeah but why? Like im just some weird eighth grader, why would i hang out with a bunch of immortal highschoolers intent on punching brendon urie?"

"I specifically chose you because youre some weird eighth grader. Otherwise, you don't really succeed here. I'm sure you have like 500 questions but there's gonna be a formal orientation once the other ones wake up. Then you get to really decide if you are or arent gonna stay a vampire."

"Oh ok." I was hoping to find out more now. "Well, what do vampires do for fun? I'm bored."

"Omg!" Her eyes lit up. "We dance!"

Then she turned on some music and we ran to the living room (which was also huge) and started dancing to some weird song about wheat! It was super fun and we did it for like a while.


When we were done dancing to wheat music some of the girls that were already vampires held a big group meeting for the new vampires in the big living room. There were like 15 old vampires and 10 new ones.

The leaders introduced themselves — their names were Jo, Sara, and Kenz. Jo was old and embittered but she was wearing really cute converse and leggings. Sara was super funny with adorable hair and Kenz was super sweet and smart. Kenz was wearing a shirt that said EH? In a hipster font.

Jo, standing proudly, announced to the group, "welcome to color guard."

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