Gear up!!

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"Ok!!" Said sara super determined. "Youve done all of your training! Youre amazing vampire hunters now. Welcome to the team."

I had a flashback to summer band. Training with swords, daggers, silver bullets, and wooden all lead up to this. Soon, we would nchallenge Brendon Urie to the death. And we would win.

"Im ready!" I said. The rest of the girls cheered.

"Ok one last thing before the battle," said Jo. W"e must pay homage."


"We have vampire gods," said lauren. "Its super badass and they have powers like controlling weather. We must honor them before every battle."

"Oh ok cool" i said. "Who are our gods?"

I walked into the Altar room and there were giant oil paintings on each wall surrounded by flowers and velvet and things like  brownies that had been offered in homage. One had a woman who was blonde with hair that stuck up and the other had a super cool college vampire girl with curly hair, they were both vampires. The guard was divided between the pictures, bowing to both and crying. I looked around and joined lauren as she did the same.

I knew i was supposed to be worshipping the Almighty Martinez and Tati but my mind was on the battle at hand. Could i really do it? Could i really destroy brendon urie? It felt like my whole life was leading up to this. I wondered if brad would be proud of me.

Maybe once we destroyed beebo brad would ask me out. Wow.

My face stung, "ow!" I said. "Lauren why did you slap me?"

"You were thinking about boys," she said angry. "We cant have that here. Its time to gear up."


I went into my closet and found a cool pair of black leather pants and a corset and a white leather jacket with a choker and some badass wristbands and stuff. I lloked in the mirror, put on some foundation and mascara and lipgloss and put my hair down curly. I looked super hot. It was time to kill brendon urie.

I walked out of my room and saw that everyone else was standing in the hallway in workout clothes and sunglasses. "What are you wearing?" Asked kenzie. "Can you move in that?"

"Uh yeah"

"Cool ok lets go."

She handed me a pair of Vampire Punching Gloves and i put them on, they were skin colored and kinda bulky.

Then we all teleported to brendon uries house in LA. We didnt actually teleport but we basically did because we could move super fast w our vampire superspeed.

"Lets go ladies," said jo. "Its time for the death of a bachelor!"

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