Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Kylie's POV

My name is Kylie Hansen. I am 14 years old. I live in the Hill Country on a street (if you could even call it that) alone with my parents and little sister Cassie. We live in Oregon. Cassie is 4 years old and is the sweetest thing you could ever meet. I know most sisters don't act this way, but we do.

We always lived alone on this street. Dad home-schools me while Mom works around the house. Dad is owner of a very wealthy car dealership company in the city while Mom owns a string of restaurants called "Kimberly's Kitchen". They both are really nice and patient, unlike me.

I have a tendency to say my thoughts aloud and tell the truth all the time. I'm rarely angry at anyone, and try to be forgiving. I guess I don't really know what I'm like, because my parents and sister always tell me I'm sweet.

Out in the back of our property is a lovely creek that runs parallel to the street. There is an orchard of Apple and orange trees, and a few lemon trees too. I love to spend my time here, thinking about everything and sometimes doodling or writing poems.

I love the empty street. I love having the whole place to myself. Well, almost. After I was born, the city started expanding. My parents wanted me to have this place as my playground.

When I turned 6, they tried to buy and bargain for the few hundred acres right next door to us. The owners wouldn't give it up. They talked with my parents and became friends.

Apparently whoever has been building there for the last 8 years is going to stay there forever. They don't plan on going away either.


They move in on Thursday night. Seeing as it is currently Monday, I decided to play a little game. It's called 'A Thousand Questions'. I made it up.


"Yes Ky?" She sung from the kitchen, stirring a bowl of homemade ice cream.

"Who are the people next door?" I twisted my fingers.

"Oh! They're really nice!" She exclaimed.

I mentally face palmed. "Well do they have kids?" I asked, irritated.

"Yes. If I recall the Dotter's have 7 kids." My mouth fell open. Seven kids?!? Holy cow! That's like a whole new neighborhood!

"That is a lot of kids honey." Mom smiles. Heat creeps into my cheeks. Oops. Didn't mean to say that. Well, out loud.

"Oh." Is all I say. I get up and grab my sketchbook. Time to spend time with my orchard.

Mom doesn't even glance up from her bowl of batter, which she is currently dumping into a pan.

"I'll bake some goodies for us to take over on Friday." She called as I headed out the back door.

I sighed inwardly. Why bring sweets to the people who ruined my street?


Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm clock goes off. I check the time, and it reads 7:00 AM. I jump out of bed and throw some clothes on. Holy cow I slept in late!

Sprinting down the stairs, taking them by threes, I jump over an old T-shirt someone left lying on the ground. It was probably me.

I spring up off the ground and slide into my chair. Mom has already put out the perfect egg, bacon, and pancakes plate.

As I stir everything together and shove it in my mouth, I wonder what we have on our plate today. Haha. Unexpected pun. Get it? Plate? Never mind.

"Hey Mom?" I call out as she walks in from the living room.

"Yes honey?" She answers politely.

"What are we doing today?" I ask, just as sophisticated. (Maybe with a slight British accent.)

"Oh! At noon, we go over to the Dotter's and help them move in!" My spoon clangs to the floor.

I stare at her. "Mom! You know that's when I go out!" I said, shocked. "Besides! Who says I want to make new friends? I have Cassie!"

Mom just chuckled. "Honey, she is almost ten years younger than you! And the boys are your age!"

My spoon once again fell from its journey to my mouth. "Boys?!?" I practically yell. I cannot believe it! Boys are stinky and mean!

"That's not true, Sweetheart. Boys aren't that bad!" She smiles.

Taking breaths, I realize she's right. After all, she did marry one. Hopefully.

"Okay Mom. I trust you." I'm not that shy.

How hard could it be?


After I ended my early visit to the creek, I glanced at my watch. 11:47. I had about fifteen minutes to get ready.

When I get up to my room, I pick through my closet. I choose a lime green T-shirt with a pair of white jean shortie shorts.

By the time I get downstairs, it's 11:52. I can't believe I was up there for five minutes. All just to throw some clothes on!

Mom and Dad wait outside on the patio. Cassie is sitting in the sandbox, playing with one of her dolls.

As soon as they see me they all stand up. My sister dusts herself off and giggles. I step toward and shake the sand out of her long hair.

I remember when my hair was almost to my waist. Now it stops a few inches further than my shoulders. I twist the hair around my finger now. It's light brown with natural blond highlights. Cassie's is all blond.

Grabbing my sister's hand I lead through the gates. Taking deep breaths, I try and control my giddiness.

So what, they're boys? At least there's someone!

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