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Copyright © Kimberly Villalobos ™ 2014-2024

All rights reserved ® Kimberly Villalobos ™ 2014-2024

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All rights reserved ® Kimberly Villalobos ™ 2014-2024

Centuries ago human kind underwent life altering testing, due to this, the human genome became altered. Year after year humans began to reap the consequences and undergo physical changes, some unable to handle the molecular change, while others thrived, showing qualities one could only dream of. Human genetics have thus been heavily studied and the experiments have become the backbone of science and human enhancements. Although unsuccessful now, scientist have come close to figuring out a way to remove or even transfer ones abilities. Now a days however, humans fear those who are different, some are hunted, others undergo further experimentation and a select few are kept safe from this reality. 

It's a hot summer morning. Families strolled through the sandy beach, having fun on their own or joyfully joining the 'pack' in a game of beach volleyball or sand castle making. A certain family however, different than the rest, walk away from the crowds, playing with their own children. Although the boy had just joined the family, they felt as if he was no different from their little girl.

Most families would have taken him to an adoption center or even called the police when they found him, yet they never did. Knowing he had no place to go back to, Martha and Kyle Landers decided to keep the boy. He was a wonderful addition for the family, he was definitely more than they could have hoped for.

Martha and Kyle regularly visited the Beach after a long work week, after all researching human genetics was extremely complex, spending hours reading and testing can get exhausting.  The kids played around the gentle waves that slowly came onto the shore, their guardians occasionally laughed at the kids antics, sometimes they would even become distressed when a grain of sand reached their eyes, but the happiness lingered. They all continued to walk along the shore enjoying the setting sun. Nothing, was to ruin such a scene. So memorable. So peaceful.

As soon as they were out of sight from the crowd. Kyle felt someone's gaze somewhere in the trees of the nearby mangrove. He quickly gathered the children and grabbed Martha's hand. "We've been found. Take the car." Martha looks at him almost unsurprised by the situation. "Where will we meet?"

He thinks for a bit before answering. "Where we first met." Martha grabs the keys out of her husband's hand and playfully kisses him. Pretending all is fine. She notices Olivia's expression and squats down to the kids eye level and reassures them "I'm just gonna' grab some lunch okay kiddos? I'll be right back." Olivia immediately calms down and grabs her father's hand. While the little boy plays in the sand unaffected by the situation.

As soon as Martha rushes towards their vehicle, men in black suits pop out of the mangrove. Most of the men run towards Martha attempting to prevent her escape.

The sand obstructs her path and the distance between her and the intimidating men lessens. One of the men manage to reach her shoulder and he grabs on tightly, but she's smart. Using his strength against him she flips him over and uses him as leverage to reach their vehicle.

Immediately she starts the car and makes her way through the recently paved roads ahead of her only to realize that the men from before were only a few meters behind getting inside their own vehicles. As this happens Kyle is being chased by the scary looking men. Olivia is crying in his arms, while the little boy stares blankly at the men chasing them.

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