A girl and an explanation

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Zachary's POV

    It's been a while since I last took the long route of the rangers road. Nothing but ageing moss grew on the slick sides of the rocky dirt path. No sign of people taking over, no trash, no food, only nature and all it's beauty. Taking a deep breath I enjoy the fresh air, recalling my last moments with my Pops.

"I miss my old man" I sigh.

I slap myself back to reality and keep strolling through the forest.

Thinking about how to protect this old nature preserve is never easy: people like what they see, people destroy, people move on, but do they help? That never crosses their minds. Ignoring my frustrations, I cross the narrow river with ease as I've always done. Each year it's easier due to people diverting the river. We managed to stop the forced change by closing most of the areas leading towards the river but we can only do so much.

There's nothing to do. A routine is the hardest thing to break but I need change.

My thoughts of my boring life immediately stop as I catch sight of a campsite. Completely illegal by the way so I hide beside a big Oak tree and decide to see what's going on. 

I climb up for a better view. The tree had a piece of wood so I could sit or lay down there whenever I wanted to relax. It wasn't that high but jumping off didn't seem like a smart option, you could easily break your legs if you don't know how to land. Glaring down I notice a van. "That's strange, how'd they get that in here?" I keep watching the sudden developments and notice a girl. She was tied against a table.

"What the hell!" I let out.

The men look up towards my direction but luckily i wasn't loud enough for them to investigate further. They go back to what they where doing. A young guy starts to ask questions to the man next to him.

"Caleb. How can we take her powers for ourselves?" he asks questionably.

"Shhh. In time everything will be answered. There's no need to ask more questions." He seems to be reading some files.

"So when is she gonna wake up? This is pretty boring man, where's the action?"

"What did i tell you about the questions? You know what, get inside the van and just stay quiet."

"Fine. Whatever." replied the younger guy. He seemed irritated, definitely don't like him.

"Hate working with stupid teens.'' sighs Caleb. 

I look back to the girl strapped on the table. I gotta help her! Hiding behind the thick branch I try to think up a plan. 

Suddenly, I hear them talking and the young guy comes back out. He walks towards me. Crap! Did I get noticed?

He starts making strange movements and fire starts to form. Oh no. I jump off the tree as i hear the crackling sound of wood burning. The smell of ash had engulfed the area. I pull up my shirt to my face to protect me from the thick smoke, and run for cover. Thankfully, the dark smoke hid me from view.

Memories of my father telling me to protect the forest flash across my mind but it's too late the tree had already been lost.

"No. " I breath out softly. I sit back against the other tree and look up at the sky which still possessed gray particles due to the recent inferno display. 

The sound of metal break awoke me from my thoughts.

"She's getting away catch her! " Screams the older man in desperation.

How did she? What? She escaped. But how? The men chase after her intensely but she never stopped, she never looked back before long she had disappeared.

I ran after them with everything I had tailing them endlessly with no sound. Every step i took was silent yet swift. Never was i noticed. Afterwards, the guys had left in their van. From the looks of it they weren't successful. Hours had passed it seemed too quick I never noticed the time go by. Deciding to do something I start walking around, in the greens of some bushes i find a thin blood path.

It must be her!

Running had never seemed so easy, today it seemed like I was gliding through the seemingly endless forest. Then, I see her. The girl from before laying on the ground. I practically throw my body near her.

"Are you okay!" I yell.

No reaction. "Speak if you can h ear me." I start fearing the worst. Taking out a bottle from my hiking bag I splash water on her face. Nothing. I check her heart rate. 

"She's ok." I sigh in relief. 

I take it upon myself to carry and give her shelter. She's light and small. Three little moles make a small triangle upon her cheek. Brown, medium length curly hair. She's cute.

As soon as I lay her on my back she melts into me. I think she feels safe. Good. Let her sleep away her fatigue and exhaustion.

I feel like I know you. Where did you come from? I think to myself.

"You'll be okay. I promise." I felt a sense of responsibility towards her. I feel like I need to protect her.

Arriving at my house I lay her on top of my roughly made bed. The thought of her being here didn't leave my mind. An inexplicable feeling came upon me. I wanted her near me. I can't explain why but I made sure I didn't let that feeling overtake me and left the room after I healed her wounds, I wrapped her in my  warm sheets and left. Weirdly enough I felt like I couldn't sleep at all, and when I finally did, I dreamt about her. Something about her seemed familiar.

I recalled a memory of my childhood when I was with this girl who'd always hug me from behind as she'd say 'I caught you!' I wonder what happened to her. I never got the chance to truly know her before she...left. 

I started on breakfast, hopefully she eats something.

I walk into the room and find that she's awake. "Are you up?" I know that she is but I need to make her feel comfortable, making conversation might help.

She stays silent, I mean I don't blame her she's in a strangers house and what's worse it's after what she just went through. Dropping off the food I leave her there as I look for a chair. I rush back in and set the chair near the bed and introduce myself. "I'm Zachary. Nice to meet you." Silence filled the room. "I found you in the forest. Can you tell me what happened?"

Eventually I get answers. She was kidnapped as I suspected. They're mutants and for some reason they believe she has powers. Which is weird considering powers show up early in life, the latest recorded was a ten year old. I've never heard of that happening to a teen, much less a young adult.

"I'll help you." I claim bravely. After a bit of discussion she decides to let me go with her on her journey so I prepare all the necessary equipment.

"Olivia." She says.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"That's my name. Olivia Landers."

"Zachary Garcia. Nice to make your acquaintance!" I smirk. This is going to be quite an interesting adventure.

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