The future towards my past part II

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Biiiiii. A loud ringing wakes me from my slumber. I can't make out words or sounds other than the ringing in my ear.

I could be compared to a corpse, but i was still breathing. I was alive. My vision was still clouded and my body was still weak. What happened? Adjusting to my surroundings I notice only blobs of color. Patches of green and swirls of dark brown were the only perceivable things from where I laid. "She's waking up." A voice from behind says. "I can see that Caleb" The man from earlier says. Little by little the blobs from earlier transformed into trees. Pine trees, Sycamores, tall oaks. We were deep within the Braighten Forest. I hear a faint sound, a thud, someone was coming out of the van.

If they are expecting ransom money they took the wrong girl. My family has nothing.

As i finally achieve full consciousness i finally get to witness the faces of the men, both the same from earlier.

"Caleb prepare for any sort of fight if necessary but remember we need her alive.

You'd think that would put me at ease but he never said that he couldn't hurt me.

I don't want to die.

At least not today.

Cold cuffs of pure silver wrap around my hands and legs. Chains cross the table, connecting me to the thick metal legs slanted ever so slightly due to the obvious overuse of the thing. It was hard and cold but at least I faced the sky. Streaks of golden sunlight pass through the fields of green only to make it half way leaving the rest in shadow as the sun slowly sets.

How long was i out?

"Ryan!" I hear the young man Caleb shout out. Irritably, he answers "What is it?" "The girls awake!" he loudly declares. "I see."

Ryan creeps up to me. Despair and calamity befall me, no strength to help me.

I'm afraid but I'm too weak to shiver.

He leans in, letting one of his black hairs fall in front of his eye. Swiftly, he blows it away. Slowly, he reaches for my hair and grabs a strand, the twirling sensation was felt between his thick dirtied fingers. He grins ever so slightly letting go of my hair. My face was suddenly clasped by his huge hand. No warmth whatsoever. His rough calloused hand moves down towards my neck, scratching my skin in the process. "I've been looking for you."

Clack clack clack the silver chains clash against each other as I attempt to move but I barely fidget.

"It's no use you're chained tightly. You won't be leaving me anytime soon." He lets go of me aggressively only for me to hit the sharp metal edge of the table.

Blood trickles down the chains and the ringing returns.

Anger surges through me and I scream at the top of my lungs. "You'll never get away with this!" Hoping, somebody is nearby. What else am I supposed to say in a situation like this? "Well aren't you positive. It's always nice to dream isn't it Caleb?" "It always is."

Ryan the blood sample take it! "All ready done." "Well? What are the results?"

"She's the one."

Ryan eyes me and begins to close the gap between our faces, our noses barely touch. Touching my chin he moves down to my neck. He inhales deeply and sighs contently.

"Such a fine specimen. Do you realize how long it's taken us to find you?"

I quickly turn my head. "We know who you are." A phrase not so very alarming considering this town was small, everyone knew each other. The sentence after however, destroyed me. 

"Your father sent us."

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