A new start

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    It's been a few years since Lila and George found me but I don't remember anything about my birth family. Anything that's happened to me at the age of five and under, I know nothing of.  I was left in Gardime City a place of not only people, but mutants; human-beasts, mutations, monsters, however you want to call them. Sadly, many fear these people. Even though they are more humane then any other person in this world and dare I say they might just be more human than we are.

Gardime City is more like a town in prospective. It's filled with small homes, mountains, a few stores, and a select few buildings. These so called buildings are what gave Gardime the title of City, although it's not much. When night falls it's pitch black, no sight of stars or a moon, a heavy fog builds itself up in a matter of minutes. After living here for some time I've gotten used to it. The atmosphere here is general is mostly dull and gray, much like the people. Everyone is shady. They surround themselves in secrets. Many think each of these families are harboring someone with some sort of ability. Although the world has provided some type of protection for these people, no one feels safe enough to expose them. Schools have allowed super powered individuals to come and learn, it's one of the few safe environments they have but once they reach eighteen no one can protect them. There have been efforts to protect adults of such hunters. Some workplaces and States offer immunity from the hunters, getting into one of those places, however, is extremely difficult. Only the lucky and the rich get offered that opportunity.

Only one school realizes all the education here, from pre-school to college. Senior year has been good to me and it's almost Summer break, I can't wait! The best thing about our vacations is definitely being able to sleep and play video games all day, I can also just read a good book every now and then. There's nothing better than the sweet satisfaction of reading a whole book in a day with no interruptions! Of course that depends if I finally decide on going to college or not.

Thinking back on our school, it's pretty divided, humans and mutants can't stick together, the dangers are endless. It's been this way since since a serious incident that occurred five years back. A super powered individual had joined our school and was put in class 10-A. He was smart and decent looking, as the rumors say. Though one day his class left on a fieldtrip to the nearby Braighten Forest, named by our founder Charles Braighten. He wandered off deep inside the forest grounds, he felt odd apparently, at least that's what he told the teacher before disappearing. Minutes went by and they heard a loud scream some students ran towards the sounds as they recognized their classmates cry but he went crazy! The rest of the students could only hear what they imagined to be a horrible site. The screaming almost echoed out in unison till little by little one less voice was heard. The teacher tried to save the students but it was too late. One girl rushed over to the last screaming sound, towards the mutant in hopes to alleviate his suffering "Stop!" The teacher yelled. She never stopped, she kept hoping for the best. By the time the teacher was able to run towards the girl it was already over. The boy had died and the vanished. The men who usually experiment on these individuals mentioned that this was all caused by a recent experimentation gone wrong.  After some investigating it seemed like the concoctions in the mutants body were to much for him,  making him go berserk, to the point where it slowly consumed his organs.

Since then humans and mutants have been separated, not only in schools, but in workplaces, venues, restaurants, and so on, that is if you were lucky enough to survive the hunters.  Mutants and humans have different classes due to the lack of power us humans have. We take hunting, survival, and Chemistry, although this is usually normal our chemistry is much more hard core, if we need to melt anyone's insides... let's just say we covered that in grade school. We also take normal classes.  The mutants on the other hand take gym, sounds normal but it's more of an extreme obstacle course, way worse than the ones used in the army, power enhancing, and practical training; All this and regular classes any normal person would take. I used to have a friend that was a mutant but all changed since the incident. Her name was Maine Kingman she was kind, sweet, funny, the greatest friend I could ever ask for. We became distant after the incident occurred. I hated it. Just before we lost all contact with each other she gave me a letter; It said:

"I am doing this to protect you. Please don't ever think I abandoned our friendship. You're the greatest friend I've ever had. These memories, I will cherish them forever! I won't forget our good or bad times. Most of all I'll miss you. I hope there will be a time when we can become friends again!

Love, Maine."

That was the last "gift" I've ever received. I know she wanted me to distance myself from her but I regret it, I regret not doing anything about it but I'm completely useless in these situations. There was nothing I could do. 

Remembering these things isn't easy. I'd rather forget it all. The world won't easily change just because one friendship was formed, something bigger has to happen. Mankind needs to live together in unity. My thoughts can't change anything but maybe someday I can be someone who can make that difference.

The next day:

I woke up by the ringing of my alarm.  A pool of light filled my room early in the morning.

I got up from my small bed and prepared myself for school. I was wearing my school uniform like always pink shirt, red, black and white plaid jumper and my black sneakers. My brown locks fall down past my nape tickling me as i put it in a pony. Jeez, I need to cut my hair, it feels heavy... The frizz won't settle but I don't care enough to tame it. I run down the stairs in a hurry as I smell the sweet scent of salty deliciousness.

It was my mom making breakfast. It smelled like eggs, BACON and chili. I love bacon! I saw my mom already sitting down at the table so I just chugged down my juice, ate and ran out the door.

I headed straight towards my bike and started pedaling towards Gardime high, my school.

I passed my uncles workshop and a few barber shops as I finally arrive. Parking my bike I notice that the schools gate was closed. No one in sight. A dark figure suddenly started coming towards me. 

It was the schools principal Amalia Greenwoods.

"Don't come in, the school... had to shutdown. There were some.... em- minor problems with one of today's experiments, so schools canceled till further notice. just think of it as an early Summer vacation."

  "Ok." So it looks like I have no school today... It's officially over! I grab my bike and dash off. This definitely made my day. Summer starts now! I wonder what adventures are to come?

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