Amusement Time!!!!

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The sun high in the sky, blue all around, not a cloud to be seen, and sweat was forming on both Lance and keith. Keith took a side glance at Lance, and saw the sweat forming and shining on his face and neck. Naturally, Keith should have been disgusted by the sweat, but seeing it shine on Lances caramel skin, made him look enticing. 'I really wanna lick him.'  Keith decided against it, because of how weird it would be all of sudden. 'Unacceptable, Lance doesn't even like me. Stupid heart, dont get my hopes up.'

Soon enough they can see the slopes and hills of coasters up ahead, they can see rides going up and down, spinning in circles, going side to side, and the little breeze that there was, it carried the yummy smell of deep fried foods their direction. You could even see a few stray balloons that escaped the hands of children, and flew towards the heavens.

"Well, here we are Keith, ready to have a day of fun!!!!" Lance said excitedly, hopping into Keith's vision, with the biggest smile on his face.

"Yea, it looks like a lot of fun." Keith realized that he wasn't lying either, he genuinely thought that it looked like a bunch if fun. And he got to have all this fun with Lance, its a win win.

They soon approached the gate, and Lance decided that they would spend a long time their because he bought them all day passes, so they could go on any ride, and didn't have to worry about tickets. As soon as they entered the gates you could so many sounds.

Screams from those on more thrilling rides, children screaming and cheering in happiness from all the candy and toys they would get, people laughing, they could hear the mechanical sounds of wheels grinding on steel, mechanical parts that moved, buzzers going off, signalling a win or loss to the games, music, and it seems like it would be too many sounds at once, but it was actually kind of comforting to Keith.

They both stood there for a moment to decide what they were gonna do first.

"I think we should go on the roller coasters first, then we can just kind of relax the rest of the day, and enjoy the more fun rides." Lance implied.

Keith thought about it, and he thought it sounded like a great idea. "Sure, lets do that." He replied.

Lance took the lead and Keith followed him to the nearest coaster. It was just a simple corkscrew coaster, but was full of thrills. Since it was still early, the park wasn't super busy, so they only had to wait 10 minutes to get on the ride.

When they were finally allowed on, Keith and Lance sat together in the same car of the coaster, and pulled the harness bar down over them. The safety crew double checked to make sure that they were locked in place.  Keith actually got kind of nervous at this point, yes he had been on coasters before, yes he liked them, but no, he did not like the feeling of falling faster than you should as a human.

Then the coaster started to lurch forward, and Keith had a death grip on the handle in front of him. Keith looked over to Lance, who was looking back at him with the biggest grin on his face. Lance seems excited to be doing this. The smile caused Keith to smile, but then he realized that the were nearing the top of the first drop. As they reached the top, the coaster almost stopped, giving Keith butterflies in his stomach, before finally dropping down over the edge.

The drop left Keith breathless, he squeezed his eyes shut as tight as he could, and his stomach felt like it was in his throat. Keith wanted to scream, and started to, but the rush of wind hitting the back of his throat drowned it out. 'I'm going to die, I'm going to die!!!' Even with his eyes closed, the force of the drop brought tears to the edges of his eyes. Keith could hear Lance screaming too, but they were screams of excitement.

Soon enough, the corkscrew came, and then they were upside down and doing loopty loops. After the corkscrew ended, the ride slowed down and came to a stop. They quickly exited the ride so others could get on. Keith had to catch his breath, and was bent over hands on his thighs, and his head down and he caught his breath again and calmed his racing heart.

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