Weekend Stay Part 2

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Hey guys, sorry for the wait!! So here is a super fluffy and adorable chapter for you!!! I hope that you enjoy it!!! The Klance video is soooo cute and it connects to the story later, so please watch it!!! Hope you enjoy!!!

Keith felt warm, cozy and content, even before he opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, a warm glow of the suns rays and caramel colored skin flooded his gaze. Lance was still asleep, his face inches away from Keith's and their arms still wrapped around each other. Keith couldn't help but stare at Lances face, he would never get over how adorable Lance looked. All of a sudden, last nights charades came surfacing up from Keith's memory. Then he was blushing bright red and trying to think about something else.

Lance began to stir, and opened his eyes to stormy purples eyes on a face that was blushing red. Lance found it cute, but was truly happy to be waking up next to Keith. This was something Lance had always dreamed of, and now that it was fulfilled...well there was literally nothing else he could ask for. Scratch that, there is one thing, just that Keith stay with him forever.

"Good morning babe." Lance smiled at Keith, yawning soon after speaking.

"M..morning Lance." Keith stammered, surprised that Lance had woken up.

"So, did you like last night Keith?" Lance teased, smiling softly, and relishing at Keith's morning voice and his bed head. 'Still super sexy, even when he's wrecked, as I guessed it.'

At hearing the question, Keith opened his eyes wide and then covered his face with his hands. Keith couldn't lie, not to Lance, especially not to Lance when his voice sounds deeper and gruff in the morning. "Yeah, I really liked it."

"Oh, yea, now that I am remembering, I realize that we both confessed but never said anything else." Lance said, raising an eyebrow, remembering the nights events.

"What do you mean?" Keith questioned.

"What I mean is, Keith, will you go out with me? Will you be my sexy boyfriend?" Lances face beamed with a bright smile and his eyes sparkled.

Keith was shocked and speechless at first, but then he eventually found his words again. "Yes Lance, I will!!" Keith's face turned a shade of red that Lance didn't even know existed, and Keith buried his face in Lances shoulder, avoiding looking at Lance. 'Oh god, how I love this boy.' they both thought.


A few minutes of morning kisses passed by, and the boys had now both taken showers and gotten dressed for the day. Lance was making his famous french toast again for Keith, and they both enjoyed eating the treat together, occasionally laughing at the mess of syrup that was made.

"What do you wanna do today, boyfriend!?" Lance enunciated the word boyfriend, as he finished that question. Lance loved how that word made Keith blush and stammer, it was endearing and he found it peaceful.

"Ummm, w...we could just stay at home today, and do things h..here. If you want, unless you have another idea?" Keith stated while staring at his bite of french toast, before stuffing it in his face.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could just go on a walk or a hike through the forest, it will be fun and it is really nice out." Lance threw the idea out there, thinking it would be fun just to walk around and talk.

"Actually, that sounds like a wonderful idea Lance." Keith said while finishing his last bite of french toast. Lance hurriedly shoveled his breakfast down too, and they both headed out the door. Neither of them really knew where they were going, but there was a forest right outside of town, and that was their destination. After a bit of walking, they both found that they were entering a heavily wooded area, the forest.

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