New Brother!!??

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Lance awoke to his bedside alarm clock going off, signalling the start of his day, and time to get ready for school. After removing the covers and slowly pulling himself out of bed, he drug himself to the bathroom, and started brushing his teeth. Lance then showered, enjoying the hot water running down his body, and waking him up fully. After his shower he went to his closet and picked out a blue t-shirt, black jeans and some black boots to pull on, and he ran his fingers through his hair.

As he was eating his cereal, his phone buzzed on the table next to him.

ShiroBro: Lance, r you up buddy?

LanceyBoy: Yea Shiro, just enjoyin cereal alone rn

ShiroBro: Well, hurry up, we can walk to school together, I'm waiting for u

LanceyBoy: Be there in just a sec Shiro

After sending the text to Shiro, he quickly gulped down the rest of his cereal, grabbed his green jacket and his backpack, he headed out the door to meet up with Shiro.


Shiro only lived a couple blocks away, so it didn't take Lance long before he saw the big broad body and black and white hair of Shiro ahead of him.

Lance caught up and he slapped Shiro on the back before saying "You couldn't wait for me buddy?"

"No, Lance, I know how you take forever in the shower, you're morning routine is like that of a girl!"Shiro laughed

"Is not!!! I'm just taking care of myself, maybe you should try it, it might help with your scar." Lance prodded back, pointing at the scar across the bridge of Shiro's nose. Lance had heard the story of how Shiro was in a motorcycle accident and that's how he gained the scar. It sounded pretty brutal at the time.

"This is a scar Lance, I'm pretty sure that there is nothing that exists that can get rid of them."

The res of the walk to school happened in silence. Lance felt bad about pointing out Shiro's scar. It probably brought up memories of the accident for Shiro. So Lance decided to keep his mouth shut the rest of the way.


After school, Lance headed to Shiro's place, so they could hang out. After entering the door to Shiro's appartment, Lance was kind of shocked. The house looked messy and it was full of boxes and bags.

"What's with this mess Shiro?" Lance pointed to all the boxes and bags, while making himself at home on Shiro's couch.

"Well, I have some news Lance."

"Don't tell me, you have a secret girlfriend that is moving in with you!!" Lance gasped the most fake gasp Shiro had ever seen.

"No Lance!!! So, my parents called earlier and told me they adopted another son."

"Really!!?? So you're going to have a brother!!??" Lance almost jumped out of his seat on the couch.

"Yes, well anyway, my parents said that they were going to travel for their 20th anniversary, so they asked if my new brother could live with me for awhile. I obviously didn't turn them down."

"Wow, you living with a brother?? I totally can't picture that!!!! Omg, are you gonna make breakfast for him and play the mom role!!!??" Lance was rolling with laughter at this point, almost crying at his own joke.

"Lance, I have to unpack all this now, so if you aren't gonna help me, could you go home now so you don't distract me?" Shiro aggressively states.

"Fine, fine, I guess I will help you."

My B.F.B(Best friend's Brother) (Klance!!)Where stories live. Discover now