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Keith was warm. Very warm, happy, content, comfortable, and he felt like he was in heaven. He awoke to the soft yellow hues of the sunshine seeping through the windows, and he found that he was staring at a wall of smooth tan skin, which happened to be Lances chest.  Keith's breath, with each breath he took, spread across Lances skin,  and Keith could also feel Lances breath tickling the top of his head. Keith leaned back, just enough to where he could see  Lances face.  Lances eyes were peacefully closed, his muscle's were relaxed, and he looked so peaceful and vulnerable. Keith was happy that Lance loved him enough to be vulnerable around him. It made Keith feel even more loved that he and Lance had no secrets, no barriers, they were open to each other and loved one another dearly.

Keith brought his hand up and placed it on Lances cheek, and he began to rub his thumb in soft slow circles with it. Keith didn't know how long, but he had ended up staring at Lance for a while as he rubbed Lances cheek. Lance finally began to stir and let out a mewl of a yawn, slowly opening his oceanic blue eyes, to look at Keith. "Good morning babe." Lance smiled down at Keith, "Were you staring long?" 

"N...nooooo!! Of course not!!" Keith said as he averted his eyes, and blushed.

"I love you." Lance whispered, which shocked Keith,  and caused him to blush more. Lance brought his hand up and cupped Keith's face as he kissed his nose, but as Lance brought his hand up, Keith saw something glint a golden color on Lances hand. 'What........the......what was that?'

Keith then looked at his hand and that's when he noticed he also had to same golden color reflecting the morning light on his hand too. That's when it hit Keith, he wasn't looking at his boyfriend...........no......it was his husband! Keith and Lance had now been married for about 5 years, which was always a shock to Keith and it was hard to believe that it wasn't a dream, even if it felt like it was sometimes. 

"I love you too." Keith said as he leaned in to kiss Lance, deeply and lovingly. Their lips touched and Keith immediately felt giddy, he was so incredibly happy that this wasn't a dream, this was real, and this was his husband. The two kissed for a few minutes and Keith could have sworn he heard some kind of pitter patter sound coming from the hallway outside their door. Keith pulled away, causing his husband to whimper at the loss of touch. 

"What was that? Did you hear that?" Keith questioned, staring at the door.

"Hear what?"

"Some kind of noise from the hallway."

"I'm sure you're hearing things babe, now can we get back to kissing? Please dear?" Lance begged, before pulling Keith down into another kiss, this one was deeper and seemed more hungry, causing Keith to slightly whimper, opening his mouth so Lance slid his tongue into Keith's mouth.  Then Keith pulled away, and Lance knew why, because he had heard a sound too.

"You had to have heard that this time." Keith stated, looking Lance directly in the face.

"Yes, I heard it." Lance replied.

"I know what that means then." Keith muttered as he dragged himself out of bed and began to  pull on sweat pants and a t-shirt. 

"It means we don't get anymore lovey-dovey alone time." Lance said as he followed Keith's example, getting out of bed and getting some sweats and a tank top on. As soon as the two finished pulling on their clothes, they heard a giggling and the door to their room slammed open. 

"Good morning dads!!!" A little girl yelled. The one who opened the door was a little girl wearing a pink small nightgown, she had tan skin, her honey brown hair tied into pigtails, one on each side of her head(Lance had tried this unsuccessfully many times before Keith finally did it right), she had a big toothy grin on her face, a small dusting of freckles across her nose, and her big dark blue eyes shone with innocence and love. This was Lyla, the 6 year old girl that Lance and Keith had adopted 2 years ago now.

Keith remembers the day when they decided to adopt a child, they had gone to an orphanage, and Lyla had immediately been attached to them and accepted them for who they were, she was more mature than all the other kids there, which surprised Lance and Keith. Lyla was the one, and the couple knew it, so they adopted her and took her to the new house that they just bought. Lances old apartment was too small for this new family, so they moved into a more accommodating house, with two spacious floors and lots of room for the family to grow.

"Good morning sweetheart!" Lance said just as Keith was saying "Morning Lyla." Lyla hugged them both tightly, she then went back over, and grasped onto Lances legs, looking up at him.

"Can you make your special french toast for breakfast dad?" She begged with puppy god eyes, "Please Lancey?" Keith knew that Lance couldn't say no to her, so he just smiled at the display in front of him.

"Ok sweety, go get dressed, brush your teeth and meet us downstairs in the kitchen, ok?" Lance stated as he rubbed his hand on the top of her head.


Lance was by the stove, already cooking his delicacy, while Keith was setting the table for all of them. Soon enough Lyla came into tue kitchen, now dressed in a ruffled blue dress, and her hair was down, wavy but brushed through. Keith was so proud of her for taking care of herself and being mature, and he loved her so much.

Lyla took a seat, and a few moments later, Lance brought a plate of the french toast to each of their seats. As soon as the plate was in front of her, Lyla took a big fork full of the food and shoveled it into her mouth. The bite had left a mess of syrup on her chin, and Lamce couldn't help but laugh. Keith giggled at Lance and cleaned off Lyla's face, smiling at both if them.

Lance was Keith's brothers best friend and Lance was definitely the one for him, but so was Lyla. Keith loved this whole family, and was glad to have it, he would cherish them forever. Keith would never let go of this family, never let go of Lance, of Lyla, and of this family that they had made.......together.


Hey guys, I know this epilogue was kind of short, but it was sweet right? I thought so, Lyla is so darn adorable!!!! I hope you liked it!!!

I will be writing Klance one shots from now on, so if you want you can read them when I publish them.

Anyway, have a great day/night everyone!!!

My B.F.B(Best friend's Brother) (Klance!!)Where stories live. Discover now