Chapter Five

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Water droplets race down sun-kissed skin as Henry and Evie scoot their feet toward the edge of the pool. The sun is playing hide and seek behind a dark gray storm cloud, creating a wild spread of goosebumps across the children's damp flesh.

"One, two..." Henry pauses and stares at Evie with the most cheerful grin she has ever seen. "Three!" He screams inspiring them to bend their knees and spring forward into the cold water below.

A hearty smack echoes through the air as they both cannonball into the water. Water sprays in an uproar out of the pool and ultimately dampening Regina's skin. Wavy, blurred shapes swim back to the top, popping their heads out of the water and giggling in pure joy.

"Hey Regina!"

She abruptly spins around to find her new friend peeking through the metal gates, decked out from head to toe in baby blue scrubs.

She pushes herself up from the concrete and pads across the lounging area toward Emma. She desperately tries to fight back her smile from seeing this gorgeous woman in that work uniform. She's even more adorable in scrubs if that's even possible. Regina unlocks the gate and holds the heavy door open, so her friend can enter.

"I was just about to bring them inside. The storm clouds are rolling in and besides I think they are officially prunes."

Emma laughs and nods along as she follows her toward the edge of the pool, but there's something forced in her friend's laugh today and she can't really place what is off, but she feels it like a haunting snake slithering across her skin. She sneaks a peek over her shoulder to find Emma's head down and those golden curls cascading all around her face, keeping her hidden from view.

"Mom!" Henry calls out as he grips the side of the pool and pulls himself up in a haste.

Water pours from his body, prompting Emma to take a giant step back. She firmly holds out her hand and shakes her head vigorously.

"Don't you dare hug me while you are soaking wet!" She scolds, but the smirk tugging at the corner of those pale pink lips tosses away her credibility.

"But I missed you, mommy," he playfully pouts, taking an innocent step forward all while Regina studies the duo with amusement as Henry tries to convince his mother that he will behave.

"Yeah right, kid," Emma rolls her enticing green eyes and keeps her hand firmly in place like a protective barrier.

"I just want a kiss hello," Henry sing-songs in his most innocent voice and Regina has to bite down on her lips to keep from snickering.

"Fine, but don't you even think about getting me wet!"

Emma leans forward, but her lower half remains at a safe distance while she puckers out her lips. Henry mimics her stance and leans in for a kiss as well, but the moment their lips are about to connect, Emma makes a rash decision and slides her hands beneath her son's arms. She lifts Henry into the air without any struggle and tosses him back into the water with a heavy splash.

They all laugh at Henry's expense as he furiously paddles toward the top of the water. "Mom!" He groans his complaint, but Emma can't seem to control her laughter.

He swims furiously toward the edge just as the sound of thunder cracks like a whip against the sky, startling everyone and provoking Evie to scurry out of the pool. Henry is following her lead as Regina rushes to retrieve their towels.

Another rumble pierces the sky, sending a wave of vibrations to burst through the cooling air. The wind suddenly picks up, causing the children's teeth to chatter from the sudden change in temperature. Regina wraps a towel around Henry and then does the same for Evie, but it is all for nothing as thick rain drops unexpectedly pour furiously down from the sky.

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