Chapter Twelve

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"I called you last night? That's weird. Sorry."

Regina obsessively reads Emma's text over and over again and she still doesn't know what to say in response. Something in the way her friend was so brief has an unsettling feeling crawling it's way and setting up camp, deep in the pit of her stomach. She figures once she sees Emma this morning, before school, she will have an opportunity to speak with her, just to make sure everything is in fact alright.

"Momma?" She peers down at the sound of her daughter's voice, who is twirling anxiously from side to side. The bottom of her dress flares out just a tad in the cool morning breeze and she truly resembles a princess. "Where's Henry? He's going to be late?"

"I'm not sure, baby girl," she honestly answers, stealing another glance one more time around the schoolyard.

That's when she spots him.

Jack is strolling along at an excruciatingly slow pace with Henry bouncing next to him which causes her to wince every time his foot slams down on the concrete. She knows Emma said his ankle was already sore by recess yesterday and she's sure this bouncing will only agitate the wounded area.

"Hi, Regina!" Henry ecstatically greets her, smiling so brightly before he focuses solely on her daughter. "Hi, Evie!"

"Hi, Henry, now come on," her daughter tugs on the sleeve of his t-shirt, forcing his feet to shuffle forward. "We are going to be late."

"Bye, have a great day," Regina quickly spews as her daughter drags Henry away. The boy grins wildly, allowing his best friend to tug him along. "Good morning, Jack," she politely offers the man lingering beside her.

"Hey, Regina!" He beams as if they are the very best of friends. "How are you today?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Where's Emma this morning?" She snips a little bitterly, more so than she intended, but her tank is running rather low on fuel for patience with this man.

"Work. She's working three-twelves this week." Jack informs her, shoving his hands into his front pockets and flashing his most charming grin.

"I beg your pardon, three-twelves?"

"Yeah, she works three days this week, but all twelve hour shifts. It's pretty common for nurses," Jack vacantly explains, already walking away, but she's quick to follow his lead. "It's great that she will have four days off, but she's usually whooped and ends up sleeping most of that time."

"So, then I will see you after school to pick up Henry, correct?" She questions as they reach the crosswalk where they will inevitably part ways.

"Yup, talk to you later," Jack coldly dismisses her presence and turns his back to her, making his way down the path.

She doesn't even bother saying goodbye to this pathetic excuse for a man. There's a nagging voice in the back of her mind, whispering unpleasant thoughts about the guy. She has an inkling that every disheartening word that spills from Emma's lips are really from Jack.

She can so very clearly see the way he whispers things to her, that could almost pass for charming and loving if someone is blinded by love, but really, they are dispirited words, to slowly break her down. Those words are carefully planted into the back of her mind, each time he speaks, he's watering those traumatizing words, encouraging them to grow and slowly fight against her confidence. The man is molding her mind to feel dependent on him and the worst part is, Regina doesn't even think Emma sees herself slipping away.


It's her day off, but she really doesn't have much going on, so she decides to drop in on the restaurant and surprise the employees. Honestly, she just wants to see how Tilly and Robin are managing things while she and Ruby are away.

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