Chapter Thirty-One

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"Can't we have burgers tonight...and fries! Oh, and a milkshake!" Henry enthusiastically begs with his hands folded and tucked away under his chin, while his bottom lip pouts for desperation.

"No, Henry," Emma firmly states, pushing the cart passed him and ignoring his plea. "I already told you, I've been dying for Regina to make this recipe."

"It's just pasta, mom, you've had it like a million times before," her son whines, but his mother is not caving this evening.

Regina holds Evie's hand while they skim through the wide variety of sauces until she finds her mother's favorite name brand.

"This is different, Henry, it's a homemade recipe from Cora, straight from Sicily," Emma announces proudly.

"Well, Cora wasn't actually born in Sicily, she was born here, but her mother and father were born there," she informs the blonde who is hanging on her every word with great interest.

"There, momma," Evie announces, bending down toward the bottom shelf to retrieve the can they have been in search for.

"Good honey, put that one in the cart, I'll grab the others," she instructs, in which her daughter happily complies.

"I don't get it," Emma mumbles, reaching into the cart to pick up the can Evie just placed inside. "Why do you need all these cans of sauce if you are making your own?"

"You'll see when we get home, dear," she says, smirking as she plucks the can from her hand and places it back into the cart.

"Can I at least pick a dessert?" Henry continues with his whining as they venture down the aisle.

"Only if you agree to stop the pouting," Emma exasperates, her patience seeming to be wearing thin.

"Double chocolate cake with chocolate chips!"

"My tooth hurts just thinking about that," Regina retorts, but mother and son are both lighting up as Emma pulls the dessert from the shelf.

"Evie, you can have your mother's piece," Emma teases, ruffling the little girl's hair.

"Hey!" She lamely protests, playfully swatting that strong arm she admires so much.

And Emma laughs lightly, just as she always does, however, she usually drifts in closer and pecks Regina's lips when they are locked away inside the bedroom. This time Emma keeps her lips to herself.

It's only been one month since their first date and since then, they have only had the opportunity to go out alone twice. Their schedules have been absolutely absurd, so any free time has been spent together with their children. But Regina can't complain, because while they are at work, their fingers are working hard to send text messages back and forth to stay connected.

She knows Emma is still insecure about their relationship, despite what she may think or even say. Every time anyone else is near, Emma is distant, but the moment they are alone, she can't seem to keep her hands off her. Which also has been a struggle because they are still taking things slow.

"Momma, can we rent a movie tonight?"

"Yeah, please! It's spring break," Henry begins again with his whining which takes Regina by surprise because he's usually not one to fuss so much.

"Yes, we can pick out a movie," she agrees as Emma picks a line to fall into, so they can pay for their groceries.

Evie and Henry stand in front of the cart, jabbering on about what movie they should pick while Emma is resting her forearms onto the cart and Regina stands next to her, with her hands shoved securely into her pockets. Her girlfriend leans into her side, invading all her senses with that calming coconut aroma. She inhales sharply and refrains from pulling that gorgeous physique flush against her own body. All those secret make-out sessions have left her a little on edge, maybe more than she cares to admit.

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