Chapter Seventeen

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The crunch of orange and red leaves beneath her boots almost falls dead to her ears from the cheerful laughter of all the children running up and down the streets. The hazardous wind whips violently around their bodies as they trek onto the next house in the night, their clothes failing as a protective barrier against the cold sting of air that bites into their flesh.

An icy liquid takes her by surprise, falling murderously from above and piercing her flesh. Her head falls back to inspect the gloomy evening sky. There's no endless wonder of blue above, only shades of grey clouds filled to their max, waiting to burst and down pour all over them.

"Hey guys," Regina calls out as she watches the night turn even darker before her very eyes. "Last house, okay? Then we have to head back before the rain comes."

"Mom!" Evie groans her complaint, but Henry is quick to wrap his hand around her wrist and drag her up to the next walkway before the parents decide to leave now.

Of course, it's going to rain, Regina doesn't remember the last time Mother Nature spared them and didn't allow rain on Halloween in Chicago.

"I think they have plenty of candy," Emma acknowledges as she presses into Regina's side and puffs her warm breath into her cupped hands.

It's nearly impossible for Regina to fight against the muscles in her face that are itching to stretch into a goofy grin. Over the last week, she has learned very quickly that Emma is a big baby when it comes to the colder weather. She finds the quality about her friend rather endearing, and yet, infuriatingly frustrating because this new found information is forcing her heart to swell even more for the woman.

Over the last eight weeks, Emma seems as though she is back to the cheerful woman Regina remembers when they first met. Maybe Jack has been attending those anger management classes like he promised? She wouldn't know though, because the only information Regina receives about the pathetic man lately, is that 'everything is going really well'. However, since Emma has been appearing more playful lately and Regina hasn't seen any questionable marks, she has remained silent on the subject.

Two figures dressed in black to secure their identity and sneak into the shadows of the night, come barreling toward Regina and Emma. Batman and Catwoman pounce into their personal space, giggling beneath their masks.

"Bug, you guys ready to go? We are freezing," Ivy whines as she shifts back and forth between her feet, Ruby is quick to hold her from behind in attempt to keep her warm. Ruby rests her pointed chin upon Ivy's shoulder and beams at their daughter with so much love in her eyes.

"Come on, Eves. We can have momma make us some hot apple cider while we investigate all your candy."

"Mommy! No one is actually going to poison us through our candy. You just want to dig out your favorites and steal them!"

Ruby barks out a laugh as she untangles herself from Ivy. "Alright Eves, I think you're on to me." She slips her hand into Evie's and leads the way back to Regina's house.

Henry sprints to catch up to Evie, so he can walk beside her, while Ivy holds Ruby's free hand, leaving Emma and Regina trailing behind. The blonde discreetly checks her phone, only pulling the device just far enough out of her red leather jacket to see the screen. She shoves the phone back into her pocket and proceeds to blow into her hands to warm them up once again.

"Jack will meet us at your house."

"Alright....where is he anyways?" Regina inquires because she assumed he would want to go trick-or-treating with Henry tonight.

"Oh, he had another job interview. This one looks promising," she claims and there is a sparkle of hope glistening in those green eyes, so Regina refrains from voicing her opinion. Instead, she smiles politely and nods, showing her support. The blonde flashes her cheeky smile and nudges her shoulder playfully into Regina's. "Come on..." she whines, her voice carrying the syllables for as long as her lungs can hold out, "this will be really good for him."

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