Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Regina," is whispering somewhere off in a distance. Her body is content with a warm blanket wrapped all around her limbs and she doesn't want to wake up. Her eyes are too heavy, and her head is too lost in another world to care about reality. "Regina."

Her tired eyes slowly flutter open to discover her ex kneeling before her. She groans and contemplates chucking her pillow at the woman's face, but it's far too comfy to sacrifice at the moment.

"Ruby, the house better be on fire and you better not have caused it."

"You were always so sweet when you woke up in the morning," she sarcastically quips, causing a scowl to form upon Regina's sleeping face. "I just wanted to let you know that Ivy is bringing the kids to our restaurant for lunch and then she will watch them the rest of the day. I'll cover your shift at work."

"What?" She rasps out, her mind still groggy as she attempts to follow the plan for the day. She tries to slide up in bed, but there seems to be an unexpected weight pinning her down.

" look like you are pretty detained in the moment," her ex playfully implies, encouraging Regina's head to snap to the right.

Unruly blonde waves cascade all around her chest and pillow. There's a pale face firmly pressed into her bicep and she takes a moment to admire Emma's true beauty with that awful black eye hidden away. The woman's arms are still wrapped around her own midsection, holding herself together, but she's nuzzled safely into Regina side, with her right leg draped across hers.

Regina's head snaps back to Ruby, who is sporting an overconfident smirk upon her smug face. "It's not what you think," she blurts out as an overwhelming sensation of insecurity claws its way to the forefront of her mind.

"Oh, I know," Ruby hums softly, never wiping that stupid grin from her face. "Remember, I know what you look like post orgasm."

Heat rapidly disperses through Regina's chest, burning a path up her neck and igniting upon her cheeks. She's usually not one to embarrass easily, especially around her ex because that's normal, playful banter between them. There's just something about this blonde that has her feeling all kinds of things she has never really felt before.

"I hate you," she growls, low enough not to disturb the woman next to her.

"You love me," Ruby happily retorts as she stands from her kneeling position. "Just take care of Emma today. Don't worry about Henry. Ivy will keep them busy all day, so he won't even have a second to think about last night."

"Thank you. Especially for covering my shift."

"Oh stop, this is what we do. We are family."

Ruby leans down and presses a loving kiss to her cheek, just as she always does and Regina sighs, feeling so grateful to have her and Ivy in her life. She watches as the brunette exits her room and softly closes the door behind her.

There's a soft groan vibrating into her ear as Emma squirms in her sleep. Regina immediately stiffens, realizing Emma may not be comfortable with the position they are currently in, but to her surprise, her friend remains asleep. The adorable woman even cuddles further into her side and surprisingly, all her exhausted limbs relax against Regina's.

Very slowly, she turns her head to study the gorgeous woman resting beside her. She guarantees this is the first time, in a long time, Emma has slept so peacefully. She itches to hold her closer and keep her feeling safe and secure, but she knows she wouldn't want to appear weak in any way, so she refrains.

Emma squirms yet again as a burst of heat radiates from her body. The thick air lingering around their tangled limbs beneath the blanket, is almost unbearable, but Regina remains perfectly still for Emma's comfort. There's a gentle whimper slipping through those delicate lips that has Regina's fingers itching to run soothing paths up and down her back. It isn't long before moisture coats her forehead, effectively dampening Regina's upper arm, but again, she refuses to budge.

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