Chapter Twenty-Nine

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She swings her legs just as she has done since the very first time Regina sat her down on her bathroom vanity. Her body sways from side to side to some nineties pop station they have blaring through the bathroom. Ruby is standing between her legs, focusing intently as she applies a soft tan eyeshadow to her niece's eyelids.

Their daughter is sitting on her knees watching her other mother work diligently and Regina soaks in the moment. She reminds herself to memorize the occasion because it seems like only yesterday, she and Ruby were painting Robin's little face. She was no more than six-years-old at the time and now she's a woman, nineteen-years-old to be

She knows she's going to blink, and Evie will be the same age. She still feels as though she just gave birth to her precious baby girl, but soon she will be nine. An awful sinking feeling forms deep in the pit of her stomach. Time is just too precious and slips between their fingers before they have a chance to fully comprehend it.

"You know, Evie," her ex begins through a broad grin, "...when Robin was your age, even younger, your mom and I would do her makeup, just like this."

"Really?" Their daughter breathes as she leans forward, insuring that she won't miss out on one detail, absolutely enthralled with the moment.

"Yes really, squirt," Robin laughs, tapping Evie's little knee playfully.

"We had to," Regina deadpans with her Mills' eye roll. "She would cry if we didn't," she states, pushing herself off the edge of the vanity to rummage through her assortment of lipsticks.

"I was little," her niece pouts sympathetically and of course, she crumbles because that girl has always held a special place in her heart. "Hey, thanks again Aunt Ruby for covering Tilly's shift, so we can do this makeup Valentine's Day date," she says, a soft shade of pink developing against her pale skin and it's certainly not from the blush Ruby has just applied.

Her ex-wife leans forward and quickly pecks Robin's cheek, just as she always does with their family. "Don't mention it, sweetie. We are family."

"Are you nervous?" Evie curiously asks, leaning even further into her cousin's personal space.

"No, we have been out on dates before."

"Are you gonna kiss her?" Her nosy daughter pushes for more information as curiosity sparkles in her big brown eyes. 

Ruby chuckles while shaking her head before she peers over her shoulder, making direct eye contact with her ex. "She is all you, Regina."

"No darling, that's one hundred percent you," she fires right back, smirking so deviously.

"I'm both of you," their daughter states proudly, squaring her shoulders to appear more confident in her words before she redirects her attention to her idol. "Robin, you didn't answer my question."

Dark, olive green eyes shift toward Regina's direction, but Robin's face remains facing forward, so Ruby can continue her work of art.

"Was I that nosy when I was her age?" Robin questions, persuading Regina and Ruby to bark out obnoxious laughs.

"Yes dear, you were far worse than Evie," she admits.

"I was not," Robin is quick to defend, but Ruby narrows her eyes silencing their niece.

"You followed us everywhere," Ruby begins as she applies mascara to Robin's already long lashes. "Regina and I were never alone if you were nearby."

"I looked up to you two," Robin shyly responds, her cheeks darkening a few shades from the admission.

"I know, sweetie." Regina sweetly smiles at the young woman before her with nothing but pride. "Put this color on."

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