Chapter 1

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"Come on bro!" I heard Cash yelling at me from downstairs. "We're gonna be late!"

I rolled my eyes as I slipped on a black pair of pumas then stood up to grab my denim jacket.

Cash was making me go meet some girl he hired to be my stylist, that I didn't need. I been dressing myself for twenty-eight years with no help and I still didn't need help if you asked me.

I put my jacket on as I jogged down the stairs.

"Alright, let's go and get this shit over with."

I followed him out to the car and we both got in.

"What's this girls name again?"

"Zhade but she said we can just call her Zae."

"That's a weird ass name."

"I kind of thought so too but she's cool man. You're gonna like her."

"We'll see."

We pulled up to a building and he gave the keys to the valet as we walk inside. We rode the elevator up to the fifth floor and walked past his assistant that was sitting at a desk and back into a conference room where Lamar, Sal, and a girl were all sitting in talking.

Cash and I sat down with them and the girl, who I assumed was Zhade, turned to us and smiled as she leaned on her elbows.

"Abel, this is Zhade

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"Abel, this is Zhade." Cash said as he motioned to her. "And Zhade, this is Abel."

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." I said as I looked her up and down. Considering the baby pink dress she had on, she looked way too girly to be working with me. "No offense, but you don't seem like the type to be styling men."

"And why is that?" She asked.

"You look too frilly and shit. I'm not trying to be judgmental-"

She cut me off. "But that's exactly what you're doing."

Lamar raised a brow as he looked back and forth between us and tried to refrain from laughing.

"Look, all I'm saying is you look like a little girly girl and I don't think I'm the type of person you should be working with. You should go talk to Ariana Grande or-"

"I've already worked with Ariana."

"Maybe you should go back."

She scoffed. "Cash, obviously your client doesn't want me here so I think I should just go."

She started to get up but Lamar stopped her.

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