Chapter 11 pt. 1

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(I realized I never gave Serenity a face claim so ⬆️)
My best friend Serenity and I had been so busy with work, that we barely had time to talk so I invited her over for a girls night. I ordered food and loaded up netflix so we could find something to watch when she got there.

Just as she knocked on the door, my phone rang and I rolled my eyes when I saw Abel's name flashing across the screen. I hadn't talked to him in almost two weeks so I knew he was fiening but I didn't have the time to be messing around with him.

I went to open the door and there was Serenity standing there with her bag over her shoulder.

"The food should be here soon."

"What'd you order?"


"Ooh bet."

She followed me into the living room where I already had a little bar set up so we could make our drinks how we wanted.

"So how's everything been at the salon?"

"Girl it's been crazy!" She said as she poured herself a drink. "I had to fire a stylist because I found out the bitch was stealing from my inventory!"


"Yes! She was taking my products home so she could do hair after hours. And she had the nerve to say she thought they were free. Like bitch when are salon grade products and tools ever free?!"

"That's crazy. Did she at least pay you back?"

"Hell no. But it's cool because I found someone to replace her and her portfolio is fire! And guess what!"


"I secured a spot for my second location, we open in three months!"

"Aah that's great Serenity!"

"I know, I'm so excited! I know it's gonna be a lot but I think I can handle it. How's things going for you?"

"Really well. I filed my LLC for Zealous Styles, I found a store front for my boutique and an office space for me and Joy to work out of. I'm in the process of hiring two more project assistants, my fashion show is next week and I've started working on some men's styles too."

"Damn you've been busy!"

"I have and I'm grateful for it all but I'm also so exhausted. I can't wait til the show is over so I can take a week off and relax."

She raised her brow. "With Abel?"

"Eh, I don't know. We haven't talked in a while."


"Last time we were together he said he loved me then said he didn't mean it but he does have feelings for me and you know I don't do feelings."

"Does he know that?"

"Yeah and he said it was nothing serious but I decided we needed some space and he's been blowing me up non-stop since then."

Just then my phone started to ring and of course it was Abel.


She laughed. "Girl answer him!"

"Okay, okay." I answered his call and put him on speaker. "Yes?"

"Wow, I can't believe you answered."

"What do you want Abel?"


"That's unfortunate. I'm busy tonight."

"Come on Zae, I miss you."

"I'll see you tomorrow morning at the meeting."

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