Chapter 8

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After getting rid of Bri, I felt oddly liberated. I started going out with the crew again. Hitting up ever night club, bar or strip club we could find until we were all fucked up beyond belief. And the nights I wasn't going out with them, I spent with Zae,  arguing a little then fucking wildly until we both passed out and it was great.

"Zae." I nudged her gently. "Wake up sleeping beauty."

She groaned. "What ya want?"

"I gotta get up so I-"

My phone started to ring on my nightstand and when I looked over I saw it was Bri calling and silenced it.

"Who's calling ya this early?"

"Don't worry about it."

She looked up at me from where she was laying in my chest. "It was Bri?"

"Damn, yeah it was."

She scoffed. "Why does she keep calling you? I thought you two were over."

"We are. I haven't talked to her in two weeks, she keeps blowing me up though." I shrugged. "Anyways, what are you doing today?"

"I have a meeting with a potential manufacturer and distributor for my clothing line. I need to speed this process up so I can get this shit out by fashion week."

"Have fun with that."

She rolled her eyes. "It's gonna be boring as hell and a shit ton of money talk."

"Well you could always stay here and we could have some more fun."

"I'd love too but this is important. I have to go."

"Damn, what are you doing later?"

"I have to find an outfit for Lamar to wear to his event at HXOUSE then I'm gonna head to the office."

"Do you wanna go out tonight?"

"Out where?"

"Maybe to dinner or something?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

I laughed. "I am."

"I'll be ready by six-thirty."

"I can make that work."

"Good." She yawned as she laid back down on my chest. "Now keep still."

"I gotta get up, I have a meeting soon."

"No, give me ten more minutes."

She closed her eyes and within two minutes she had fallen back to sleep. I waited a few more minutes before gently getting up and grabbing my clothes off her bedroom floor.

I got dressed, grabbed my keys from her night stand, jogged up the stairs and left out the front door but froze when I saw Bri sitting in her car outside Zhade's house.

She got out the car when she saw me and screamed. "So who the fuck is she?!"

"Why the fuck are you here? Are you stalking me now?"

"You still share your location with me stupid! You been here almost every other night for the last two weeks! So who is she?!" She shoved me. "Huh?!"

"Bri, we are not together anymore! You cannot keep pulling up on me whenever the fuck you feel like it! Yeah, I'm talking to someone else and who it is is none of your fucking business!"

"But I love you!" She whined as she tried to wrap her arms around me but I pushed her away. "Abel, please."

"Look at my face and my neck Bri." I said as I pointed to the scars from when she decided to fuck my face up a few weeks ago. "You did this shit and you told me you fucked my best friend. What makes you think I want you back?"

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