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I sat watching as the person I was going after walked briskly to their car. I took aim and hit him on the mark. He grabbed his arm and fell against his car. I sent a text to the contact before getting away from the edge. I went to the back of the building seeing Luca with the vehicle.

I used the rope that was attached to the roof and went down it. Luca caught me and easily got the rope detached. We both got in before going. "Five more favors Angelo." He said driving. "Yeah. And I'm almost late for school. You know Matthew will have a conniption over that." I said. "Crawl into the backseat and change out of those cargo pants. Jackson will also jump down your throat on that." He said.

I did just that. Then changed the jackets and tank top blouses. I pulled on a pair of black sandal heels Jackson bought last weekend and made sure I had a clip in my jacket pocket. "Do you usually carry a gun on you?" He asked. "Yes. Yes I do because someone could shoot up the school at any moment. Don't worry they're tranquilizer bullets. Once the head reaches a liquid like blood it freezes it immobilizing whoever it hit." I said.

"Un po 'spaventato ora ad Angelo(Kinda scared now to Angelo)." He said as I finished zipping them up. I made sure my gun was in my backpack as Luca pulled up in front of the school. "Ti verrò a prendere dopo la scuola Angelo(I'll pick you up after school Angelo)." He said. "Ti terrò io(I'll hold ya to it)." I said as I unplugged my phone and kissed his cheek.

"Buona giornata. Stai fuori dai guai(Have a good day. Stay out of trouble)." He said. "Non ti preoccupare, sarò Bello(Don't worry I will Handsome)." I said. "Mi piace quando mi chiami bello(I love it when you call me handsome)." I stuck my tongue out at him before getting out.

I was halfway to the doors when he pulled away from the school. Luckily there's no other Italians here. The day pretty much breezed by. We did nothing in April. Now that it's two weeks until school is out, I'm ready to just spend time with my family. I'm pretty sure they are too. This school has done both for my therapy. Last week I was able to talk to Dr. Roberts about it and after he heard I was doing better after joining a dog team, I'm sure he spoke with the Academy board to try and get me to stay with the team I have now.

At lunch I got a call from Jackson who was on break. He kept talking to me and I kept talking to him. I finished eating ten minutes before the bell. "Oh. I'm twenty minutes over my break. I'll see you tonight sweetheart." He said. "You too Honey." I said. He blew an air kiss through the receiver. I nearly giggled before he hung up. I knew the rest of them were busy with assignments today.

By the end of the day I was ready to go home. Least it's Friday. I spotted Matthew on his motorcycle across the street from the school. I went right up to him. "How was school today baby?" He asked. "Same old. It was boring. I'm guessing Luca was tied up?" I asked. "Yeah. I finished early and told him not to worry about picking you up." He said. He handed me a helmet.

I got on behind him then put it on. I made sure the chinstrap was secure before wrapping my arms around his waist and legs up off the ground. "Backpack secured?" He asked. "Yeah." I answered. He started the bike. Every red light or stop sign we came to He briefly rubbed my hands as my hands rested on his chest. When we got to the house he let me off first then put it in the garage.

"Any homework?" He asked. "No. I finished it in class today." I said. "Good girl. That means you get to help me cook dinner."

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