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I was in the kitchen helping Mamma cook dinner. It was one of my favorites. The front door opened. "Nonna. Sono a casa!" I knew that voice. Mamma dropped what she was doing and went toward the foyer of the house. "Luca, ragazzo mio, è passato troppo tempo(Luca, my boy, too much time has passed)!" Mamma said. I poked my head around before running to them. Matthew was the first to pick me up and hug me.

"Tuo nonno è nel suo ufficio e vuole parlare con te e con i tuoi amici. Questo dolce bambino viene per aiutarmi a finire di cucinare(Your grandfather is in his office wanting to speak with you and your friends. This sweet child is coming to help me finish cooking)." She said. The guys each kissed my cheek. Cade was the last one. I wrapped my arms around him holding him to me.

"It wasn't your fault Cade. It could have happened with any of them. Even if it was both you and Jackson that got knocked out." I said. He nodded into my neck. I kissed his cheek. "Go with them. Then I'll sit by you during dinner." I said. He nodded before following. Luca was waiting on him. I went back to the kitchen with Mamma to help her finish cooking. After I told her who was coming she insisted on making a large meal.

We started cooking at noon here. I hope they got some sleep on the way over here. When we were done she had me set the table. Ten places at the table. I then helped her carry the dishes out and place them a certain way. She then went to get the guys. As I was finishing setting the table two arms wrapped around me.

"Vuoi fare questi piatti a casa per me(Do you want to make these dishes at home for me)?" Luca whispered into my ear. "As long as you help." I answered. He kissed my cheek. "Anything for mio Angelo." He said. Then pulled me over to a seat on the edge. Cade came up next to me. I gave Luca a look that said, 'I told him he could sit by me for dinner.'

He nodded. The older man that let me into his home for two years sat at the head of the table. He had came into the kitchen just before breakfast. I had gotten there three hours before breakfast. Heavy footfalls could be heard on the stairs. Matthew and Jackson were across from me and Cade. Luca had the end seat.

The all too familiar face of that guy from when I was twelve came into view. I'll have to explain it better to them later. I haven't seen him all day and I was wondering if he was still locked away. Guess not. The older man had us sit. The food was blessed and we dug in. I knew Mamma and Nonno could speak English and spoke it well with my boys. The only one who stayed silent was him. That made me nervous.

After dinner I helped Mamma clean up the kitchen. Matthew pitched in to help even though Mamma said he didn't have to. When we were done we went to the sitting room. Nonno was sharing a story of Luca as a child. I still don't know how he ended up in the Academy after coming from grandparents like these.

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