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I had to have my appendix out. It took twenty four hours in the hospital. Matthew said I was still in trouble. He let the others know that he was going to stay with me because I was still in trouble with him. I sat quietly as I was discharged. Once home, I pulled the stubborn card. Once again Matthew was trying to get me to eat the mushrooms.

"Just one at least." He said. "No." I said as I gave him a go to hell look. "Then I guess you will be sleeping next to me and catering to every need I have until you eat it." He said. Two stubborn people do not make a laidback person. "Would you two stop glaring at each other? This is not the day to tick her off. She needs to eat something other than something she absolutely hates." Jackson said.

No one else was watching as I flipped Matthew off. "Not going to fix her anything else for how she's acting." Matthew said. "And how is she acting?" Luca asked. "Like a heifer." Matthew told him. "Does she have to take anything?" Percy asked. "Yeah. Cade went to get it. That's probably why she's acting up." Jackson said.

It's more of an antibiotic. "Could I eat something other than this?" I asked. The front door closed. I looked back seeing Cade walk in. He had two paper bags. He set the brown one down in front of me. Then set the white one down on the counter getting into it. Are you freaking kidding me? There was a bag of needles and a vile.

I snuck out of my seat and went to hide. No needles. "Princess. Come here." Zach said sweetly. I hid deeper into the clothes. "Sweetheart." No needles. I've had too many stuck into me. "Baby." Matthew's voice was loud. The door to the closet I was in opened. "Angelo." Luca said quietly. I didn't move. The clothes on the hangers moved. I didn't move.

A hand found my leg. Another found my arm. "Gesù angelo. Per favore, non farlo per noi. Vieni qui. Puoi dirmi perché sei andato a nascondersi?(Jeez angel. Please don't do that to us. Come here. Can you tell me why you went and hid?)" Luca asked pulling me out and into his arms.

I buried my head into his chest. He held me to him and rubbed my back. "Do you not like anything to do with medical things?" He asked. I shook my head. "Do you not like needles?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed before standing. "Would you mind if I held you while you got it?" He asked. I shook my head. He stood taking me with him.

"Found her." Luca said as he carried me. A round of sighs were heard. I was nearly choking him as he sat down in a chair. "Aria, per favore angelo.(Air please angel)" Luca said. I loosened my hold. One of his hands rested on the back of my head. "Don't even have to watch." Luca said. "Don't move pumpkin." Cade said. I felt it go in. "Don't stiffen up." Jackson said rubbing my back. "Done with."

"Here's some food that is healthy and that she will eat." Cade said looking directly at Matthew. Luca turned me to sit better at the table. I could tell Matthew was irritated. I set my head down on the table. "Angelo. Please eat something." Luca said. There was this pit feeling in my stomach.

I felt like crying. A set of arms wrapped around me. I was picked up and carried. The thick scent of musky spice filled my nose. A door closed. I could tell he dropped to his back on the bed. He moved me to straddle him while laying on top of him. "Your too good for your own good." He said. I buried my face in his chest.

"Am I pushing you too far baby?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry baby. I need to learn how to control my temper better." He said. I shook my head. "Think you can help me get back at Luca?" He asked. I nodded. "Good. Your mine for the next two nights then." He said rolling onto his side. I let him hold me for as long as he needed to.

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