Husband and Wife

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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

Insha Allah this finds you close to Allah & in the best of health and Imaan.


On the occasion of Hajjatul-Wida (The Farewell Hajj) Rasulullah among other advices said with regard to women; "0 People! fear Allah with regard to your wives. You have taken them into your possession with the permission of Allah."
*This hadith clearly admonishes man not to abuse his authority over woman and to fear his Creator in regard to his dealings with them as Allah has placed them in his trust, by making them lawful for him through the sacred bond of nikah. If the husband maltreats them, in reality he is misappropriating the trust that Allah has entrusted to him,
What an honourable position Islam has secured for women that Allah himself takes their affairs as His responsibility!


Rasulullah [Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "I enjoin upon you the importance of good conduct to your womenfolk"
*Good conduct and behavior is necessary towards; everyone but Rasulullah has; singled out womenfolk with the emphatical term of "wasiyat" which everyone grants great importance and significance, this is sufficient to explain the importance of kindness to women.

HADITH 3 & 4

Rasulullah [Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "Amongst the most perfect of mumins in Imaan is he who is best Character and amongst the best of them is he who kindest towards his wife."


Rasulullah (SAW)  said: "He is the best amongst you who is the kindest towards his wives and I am the kindest amongst you towards my wives."
*Thus Rasulullah not only issued a theoretical directive towards achieving superiority amongst the mumins but he also achieved this distinction amongst the rest of his followers by practically displaying the ultimate degree of kindness and affection towards his family


Rasulullah (SAW) said: "The woman who dies in the state of her husband being pleased with her will enter Jannah ."
*How simple Islam has made matters for the believing women that for them paradise can be acquired by minimal effort.


Hazrat Abu Darda (R.A.) said: My beloved master, Rasulullah advised me to spend upon my family according to my means."


Rasulullah (SAW) said: "The woman that does her domestic chores attains the rank of those upholding Jihaad."


Rasulullah (SAW)  said: "By assisting your wives in their household matters you men receive the reward of sadaqah "
*The religion of Islam has encouraged men to assist their wives by promising them rewards for this service. In this way Islam has secured the comfort of women.

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