The Vacker Grandparents

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Okay, so this is book 3 in my KOTLC fanfic series.

It wasn't supposed to be a series, yet it somehow became one....

So to recap:

Keefe and Sophie are married, their kids:

- Rose (12) /empath

blonde hair and blue eyes

- Ella (8)/telepath

blonde hair and brown eyes

- Calla (5)/no ability yet

blonde hair and blue eyes with brown at edges

- Kenric Jr. (8 months)/ no ability yet

Tam and Biana are married with twins:

- Jade (12) /Shade

dark locks and silver eyes (looks like mini version of Biana)

- Bryan (12) /vanisher

black hair and teal eyes

Dex and Marella are married:

- Merzie (12)

- Fernie (5)

- Bernie (5)

This book will be about Linh and Fitz


''Fitz!'' Della crushed her son in a bone-snapping hug, making her husband wait his turn to hug him.

''Mom- we have family dinners every weekend, it's not like I've been gone that long.'' Fitz groaned, before receiving a less-crushing hug from his father.

''Forget that- where's my grandson?!'' Della practically squealed, bouncing with joy she looked over Fitz's shoulder and tried to see around him.

''My dear, maybe let him in the door before you push him aside,'' Alden said, not bothering to hide his amusement.

''Sometimes I think you only invite me over anymore to get my kid,'' Fitz grumbled, finally being allowed to actually come in his childhood home.

His mother waved him off,''Not just you dear, it's the same with your sister too.''

Fitz glanced at his father, not quite sure if his mother was joking...

''There's my favorite grandbaby!'' Della swooped down to pick up the four-year-old boy that stood behind his father.

''Dad? She's joking, right?" Fitz stared at his father, hard.

However Alden was busy trying to take his youngest grandchild from his wife,''You held him five minutes longer than I did last time!''

''Well, I got to him before you did!'' Della protested.

Aten just giggled at both his grandparents. He had his father's brown hair, and dimples that usually got him out of trouble. His left eye was teal, and his right eye was silver like his mother's.

''Who's your favorite, Aten?" Alden cooed at the little boy,''Tell grandma you want grandpa to hold you.''

''No, no- we like grandma better! She's much prettier, right Aten?" Della cooed, shooting a dirty look at her husband.

''If anyone's going to be his favorite it's his father,'' Fitz rolled his eyes, taking his son from his mother and cooing at him, ''Right, Aten?"

''Ma ma'' Aten laughed, and wiggled to get out of his father's grasp, reaching for someone who just entered the house and stood behind Fitz. ''Ma ma favorite!''

''I trained him before the rest of you could,'' Linh smirked, taking her son in her arms. Della and Alden pouted, while their son looked crestfallen.

''What about daddy, Aten?" Fitz asked.

Aten looked at him for a second,''Ma ma better.''


''What's your point Fitz?" Biana asked her brother,''Mom and dad always claim the new grandkid is their favorite, remember when the twins were born? Tam never lets me live it down.''

''Yeah well did you know they like our kids better than us?" Fitz asked her, he'd hailed her shortly after arriving back at his own home.

She rolled her eyes,''Only when they know they can send the kids back to their parents and let them deal with the troublemakers.''

Before he could say anything else she spoke again,'' I have to go now, Bryan is insisting I don't want to miss whatever his father is doing.''

''Linh wanted me to tell you she's coming over to visit.''

''Ooh, tell her to bring some of that human popcorn she got from Sophie- she's going to want to watch her brother get scolded,'' Biana said before ending the call.

''At least she won't be eating popcorn and watching me chase Aten around the house to get him in the bath,'' Fitz mumbled to himself.

Linh Vacker (Third book in the Sophie Sencen series) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now