Mrs. Vacker and Mrs. Song

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This chapter is dedicated to lovefoodyh

Thank you for your support and sweet comments!! <3


Linh was nine months pregnant, but that did not stop her from going to see her sister-in-law mess with her twin brother. She, Biana, Marella, and Sophie alwasy played pranks on their husbands when they could- sometimes even getting their kids to help.

''Hey Aunt Linh!'' Jade popped a piece of candy in her mouth, not bothering to take her eyes from her human ipod with music that she received from Sophie as a birthday gift only a year ago.

Linh grinned, spitting image of both Tam and Biana. ''Where's your mother? I heard she was going to chew out your father.''

''Did you bring the popcorn?" Jade asked, scrolling through her playlists.

''Yup,'' Linh beamed.

Jade just pointed to the stairs,''Second floor, you're just in time for yelling and scolding given by my mother.''

Linh popped her head through the doorway, spotting her twin brother, sister-in-law, and nephew all in one of the sitting rooms upstairs.

''What'd I miss?" She asked, holding the popcorn in her arms like it was the most precious thing on earth.

Bryan turned to shoot her a grin and wink,''Dad may or may not have spilled something on mom's new dress- and then blamed it on someone else.''

''Ooh,'' Linh giggled, making Tam shoot her a dirty look.

''Okay I'll admit I did it- but it was an accident,'' Tam held both his hands up while avoiding Biana's eyes.

''You sure dad?'' Bryan asked, not bothering to hide his smirk.

''Only because my son told me it was Jade's dress for her date,'' his father snapped,''And then ratted me out to his mother.''

Biana looked at her son,''Bryan, I'll have you know that Ill always be proud of you for ratting your father out to me.''

The boy smirked at his father,''And you wonder why she's the favorite parent.''

Jade snorted as she walked in, stealing some popcorn from her aunt as she passed,''According to dad-''

Tam clamped his hand on his daughter's mouth, giving her a betrayed look. Bryan opened his mouth to finish his sister's sentence- but received the same treatment with his father's other hand.

Biana glared at her husband, crossing her arms,''You're going to tell me one way or another what was about to come out of my children's mouths.''

''Our children, dear,'' Tam said, weakly with a nervous smile.

Linh munched happily on her popcorn, she was so glad Fitz was taking care of Aten for the day. Nothing beat getting to watch her twin brother scolded by his wife who was one of her best friends.


Tam was thankful that his sister's mood changes, oddly enough, but not a surprise. When any of the girls were pregnant, the others catered to them. It was usually horrible for the guys, being as they were the ones that had to watch all the kids and be the victims of pranks. But the girls would drop anything for the friend that was pregnant.

Hence why Tam was thankful when Linh suddenly wanted to go out with Biana to meet up with their other female friends (Sophie and Marella). He was even more happy to know that they would now be Keefe's problem to deal with.

Mrs. Vacker and Mrs. Song were a force to be reckoned with on their own, but combined with Sophie and Marella- when one of the four were with was every husband's worse fear. At least in their group of friends it was, to other more normal elves it probably wasn't a problem.

But their group of friends and family had never been normal. Which sadly, had spread to their children as well.


I finally wrote another chapter!!!

Don't worry there will be more (as always), and I know that not everyone likes the ships that I write about- but:

1. It's my fanfiction

2. I only write what I want to write

Please keep that in mind!

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