The Vacker Home

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Dedicated to lavenderbubble123

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Fitz just thought he would get a break with just him and Aten at home, aside from when his son ran around and tried to tear the house down by himself of course. But he realized just how wrong he was when he saw Tam and Dex sitting in his living room.

'''Did you just let yourselves into my house?" He asked, staring at them.

Both looked up at him with raised eyebrows, as if that was the stupidest thing he could've asked.

''Linh took everyone to Sophie's?" Fitz guessed.

''We brought the kids over too,'' Tam said as he made his way to the kitchen. ''They're in the house somewhere.''

The teal-eyed man ran a hand down his face,''You let your children run loose in my house without telling me? They're half my sister!''

Tam shrugged,''And your son is half my sister.''

Fitz glared, touché.

''So...are we saying my kids are better than you guys kids?" Dex piped up, grinning at them from where he was lounging on the couch like he was about to doze off. 

''Don't just come over here to dump your kids on me and sleep on my couch!'' Fitz yelled, turning to glare at Tam,''And don't eat everything in the kitchen- your sister has been craving everything in there for the past two weeks.''

''No promises,'' Tam's voice hollered back.

''My sisters going to murder you if something happens to her kids,'' Fitz grumbled at his brother-in-law.

''Not if I tell her you were watching them.''

''Not if your kids rat you out- like they always do,'' Dex chimed in.

''At least mine don't dye my hair while I sleep,'' Tam rolled his eyes as he came back into the living room with his hands full of Linh's stash of food.

Dex glared at him,''You had to bring that up.''

''You had to bring up-'' Tam started, but never got to finish.

''Yo- what'd I miss?!" Keefe's voice hollered as he stepped in the room, holding Kenric Jr. and his stuffed T-Rex in his hands, with his trademark smirk.

The other three men stared at him.

''What are you doing here?!''

''You're supposed to be keeping our wives at your house!''

''What happened to taking one for the team, Keefe?!"

''Does this mean they'll be coming back sooner?"

''Crap- the house is still a mess!''

''Forget that, I got to find my kids!''

Keefe rolled his eyes at them,''Relax- they're all still at my house. Your wives came in and took it over like a fortress- making me leave with the kids as soon as I saw them pull out those cheesy human movies.''

Dex shuddered,''I hate those movies, why are we forced to watch them whenever one of them are pregnant?"

''Thank goodness when Sophie's pregnant she wants to watch superhero movies instead, she lets me watch the Batman movies,'' Keefe grinned.

''Explains why your wife's been pregnant so many times,'' Tam muttered under his breath.

''Well while you don't have to suffer through horrible human movies, the rest of us do,'' Fitz informed his best friend. ''Wait- you brought your kids too?"

Keefe snorted,''Like I was going to let them ruin they're brains with those dramatic movies that are so unrealistic I want to barf.''

''So they're not coming over?" Dex felt the need to make sure.

Keefe rolled his eyes as he set his son down on his lap,''Gigantor is taking one for the team.''

The four friends cheered, seeing who could lift their fists highest in the air- Keefe won by lifting his son in the air too.


''We had a deal,'' Bryan growled at his sister,''I lie to dad about the dress- so your real one wasn't ruined- and in exchange you help me with Rose.''

Jade sighed,''Ugh, c'mon- she's one of our best friends. Not hard to woo, considering we've all known each other since birth.''

''Jade, we had a deal!''

''You don't need my help with Rose of all people!''

''I'm your twin, I can make your date and life miserable,'' the Song boy promised his sister.

''You wouldn't,'' Jade eyed him,''besides- she's not here. We got plenty of time-''

''Jade, Bryan! I got some genius ideas!'' Rose Sencen's voice exclaimed excitedly as she pounced on her friends. ''They probably won't work, but they're genius either way.''

Both siblings stood stock still in her grasp, making her eye them in suspicion. Her eyes grew to the size of saucers,''Don't tell me you don't want to do a evil plan with me? What if I take the evil out of it? Or if we just call it a-''

''No! No, of course we want to prank our dads,'' Jade sent her a smile,''You just surprised us.''

''Did you...hear anything?" Bryan asked nervously, unable to look at his crush.

She titled her head at them for a moment,''I was more focused on my own geniusness.''

''That's not a word...'' Merzie said, popping up from behind Rose.

Rose grinned,''It's a Secnen word! Because I'm the only genius we need.''

''And that is why we always end up in detention or getting our dads in trouble instead,'' Jade mumbled under her breath.

All her friends just shrugged,''Actually that's just more of a bonus.''



Alrightie! Another chapter!

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