Mr. and Mrs. Vacker

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Sophie Sencen slammed through the door- coming into Fitz and Linh's house with a terrified look on her face,''What did Keefe do?!"

The men froze, staring at her with wide eyes while she took in the older children covered in dust and standing sheepishly next to large holes in the wall (which they no doubt caused).

''Rephrase: what did all of you do?!" She demanded.

Each child pointed at their father and exclaimed,''It was him!''

Marella sighed from behind Sophie,''It's like this at home too.''

''I'm sure,'' Sophie murmured back to her friend.

''We're innocent this time!!'' Dex exclaimed,''We were visiting with Fitz- and the kids may or may not have just been running loose around here...''

Marella crossed her arms,''Dex- you and my children are all grounded from the lab for a week.''

''A WEEK?!?!" Dex, Ferzie and Berzie cried in horror.

Merzie just fell to her knees,''Have mercy woman! I'm your only daughter!''

''My only daughter that's grounded,'' Marella told her.

Sophie blinked, remembering something important,''Fitz!! Linh's having the baby!!''

Fitz and Tam blanched.

''You didn't think to start with that?!" He ran his hands through his hair while running out the door.

''Excuse me but you don't have a right to criticize until you've had more than one child,'' Sophie retorted.

''Or until you've been married to Keefe Sencen,'' Tam snickered.

''Tam that reminds me, your wife wants to talk to you about watching your own children,'' Sophie snapped.


After everything had calmed down it took Fitz a little while to realize no one had left his house. More people had just arrived and made themselves at home.

His parents were fighting over Aten (as usual), Sophie was making her husband and children all sit next to her (and they weren't allowed to get up without her permission)- they had thankfully found Kenric Jr. before any harm could come to the small child. Dex and Marella were arguing in a corner while their children tried to build things with Fitz's furniture, and then Biana put her children and husband in time-out same as Sophie did.

The grandparents of the newer generation had all brought as many toys and candies as they could and tried to spoil the demon-spawned children (as Fitz called them in his head).

It was a reunion of the best kind, until all of the women started fighting over who would be the godmother of the newborn baby girl, Triza Vacker, that is.


SOrry this chapter was shorter, I needed to wrap it up!!

Linh Vacker (Third book in the Sophie Sencen series) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now