Another Vacker

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Thank you Im-professional-

And all of you that are so sweet and patient with me!!

I know I have not been updating very loyally this year, and though I do have my reasons- you guys have still been patient and kind throughout it all!!



''Hey where did Keefe go?" Sophie frowned, glancing around her living room.

''Woman do you not see that we are in the most climatic part of the movie?" Biana sent a glare towards the blonde elf- who held her hands up as if surrendering.

Marella sighed,''I think I actually need to check on Dex and the kids. Y'know the drill, make sure they didn't blow the house up and such...''

Linh tore her eyes from the movie,''Lets go to my house, the guys usually visit each other with the kids when we have our movie days.''

''True,'' they all nodded and got up, noting that Sandor was still watching the movie from where he stood in the corner. They hadn't even noticed he was there, maybe they should invite him to their chickflick movie days more often.


''Hey Keefe?" Fitz asked, finally being able to relax with his friends in the living room since the kids were keeping each other busy.

''Yeah?" Keefe asked not bothering to look up from stuffing his face with food.

''Did the girls take Kenric Jr. with them?"

The blonde elf paused,''No, why?"

''Then where's he at?" Fitz frowned glancing around the space. Tam snickered and even Dex looked amused at the horror on Keefe's face. They didn't get to enjoy it very long though, the oldest children literally came crashing through one of the living room walls.

Bryan landed on the ground first, meaning Rose and his sister crushed the life out of him- with Merzie landing safely on top of the pile of limbs and painful groans. Their fathers and Uncle Fitz were completely speechless, staring at them with wide eyes.

Fitz snapped out of it first, turning to glare at his friends,''See what happens when you let your kids go crazy around my house! My wife is going to loose it- and she also happens to be your sister Tam, so wipe that smile off your face!''

''What happened to you guys?" Dex asked, ignoring his friend's rant.

Merzie beamed up at him with her dimpled grin,''We had a brilliant plan that went wrong somewhere- we also may or may not have catapulted a couch out one of the upstairs windows. But you didn't hear it from me.'' She lowered her voice to a stage whisper at the last sentence, and her father nodded along seriously.

''Get off me!!''

''Get your elbow out of my face!!''

''GAH- that hurt idiot!"

Merzie jumped off her friends and allowed them to untangle themselves- though it was a few more minutes before they could stand up seeing as they were still feeling the pain from bruises that were already starting to show.

''Relax brother-in-law, it's just one wall,'' Tam rolled his eyes.

Keefe snorted,''Yeah, when you have more than one kid you get used to damage around the house- only be concerned when toddlers go through the walls.''

Tam frowned,''I will never understand how Sophie still allows you to watch your own children- or even have more kids with you.''

Dex burst out laughing- but stopped when the wall next to him also gained a gaping hole- with more children falling out of it.

Ella smiled sheepishly at them from her spot on the ground. Fernie and Bernie gave their sister a thumbs up, looking equally crazy covered in dust and goop that was almost as concerning as the hole,''It worked! But Aten got stuck with Callie- and I think Kenric Jr. got himself into one of the catapults before we could stop him.''

Rose paled,''Where was the catapult positioned?"

''It was aimed at the window opposite the one we shot the couch out of!'' The boys grinned and high-fived each other.

''Who was in charge of watching Kenny?" Ella frowned.

''Dad,'' Rose answered her sister in a bored tone.

Keefe gave a look of pretense innocence,''No- it was Rose. And I'm your father, you can't say otherwise.''

Rose pouted, crossing her arms.

''What is wrong with you all?!?! Where's Aten stuck at?" Fitz shouted, looking ready to rip his hair out.

Jade rolled her eyes,''In the house somewhere, same as the rest of us.''

Bryan smiled,''Yeah we're not stupid enough to break all the rules.''

Fitz, Dex, and Keefe looked at Tam- who just sighed in exasperation.

''Sophie's gonna kill me,'' Keefe gulped.

''No more than Linh is going to kill Fitz for the house being a mess,'' Dex assured him.


The girls were having their own problems at the same moment that their husbands were losing their minds- Linh was going into labor and they had to get back home asap.

However they got a few surprises upon their arrival.

''Is that a couch in my front yard?!" Linh felt her left eye twitch at the sight.

''Is that...?" Marella came up next to her to stare at the sight of a flailing child being launched in the air- landing on the couch.

Linh Vacker (Third book in the Sophie Sencen series) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now