Chapter 3

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" Y-You can sleep over.. If you want.. " Yuri suggested looking at the clock. 8:36pm.

Slowly, Natsuki sat up, rubbing her tears away, " I'm sorry y-yuri "

" Don't apologize. It's okay "

" B-But yeah.. Can I sleep o-over? "

Yuri gave a warm smile, " You're always welcomed Natsuki "

" T-Thank you Yuri.. " Natsuki sniffled and returned the smile, " U-Um.. "

The purple hair girl stood up, " Let's go to bed. It's already getting late "

She waved over for Natsuki to follow, and Natsuki did. Yuri opened her room door and turned on the lights. The room was normal, surprisingly. It had some candles on the side of her desk that was by a window, and this other table by the bed. It had something on it but it's covered with a towel.

" Hey Yuri.. What's that? " Natsuki pointed out.

" E-Eh? " She looked at the table by her bed, " U-Uh that's nothing. Don't touch it, please "

Natsuki got a weird vibe from Yuri. She felt like yuri would go crazy if you touched or messed with what's under that towel. So Natsuki left it alone.

" U-Um Yuri.. " Natsuki nervously smiled, " Where do I sleep? "

" I'll be right back.. " Yuri said slowly stepping out of the room. Natsuki sat on Yuri's bed still wondering what's under that towel. She slid closer, trying to see if something was at least sticking out. Nothing. It was really covered. She wanted to just look at it quickly but Yuri came back in.

" We don't have a sleeping bag.. Since we barely have company.. " Yuri said then walked to her closet. She opened the closet door, " Would you like to borrow some Pj's? "

" It's okay Yuri. I'm alright like this " Natsuki answered.

" U-Um Natsuki.. If y-you wouldn't mind.. Would you like to sleep w-with me? "

" With you? Like.. On your bed? Together? "

Yuri nodded looking a little flustered.

" I-I don't mind.. Your bed is kinda big anyway "

Yuri grabbed her pj's from the top corner then walked out of the room and into the bathroom to change. Natsuki laid down on the bed. She was still curious on what's under that towel. She took a glance and the strange thing under the towel looked like a small stand. It was holding something. Or multiple things. Slowly, lifting up the towel, she saw knives. All different colors and styles, they looked so cool.

" Why does she have knifes? " Natsuki mumbled quietly to herself then let the towel go.

" Natsuki "

Natsuki jumped and fell off the bed.

" W-What were you doing? " Yuri asked a little strangely as she walked over helping Natsuki back to her feet.

" I-I-I was thinking about my dad " Natsuki quickly blurted out, " He m-might.. Do something when I go home tomorrow "

Yuri's face changed, it looked a little back to normal.

" Anyway.. I-I'm tired.. Let's get some sleep " Natsuki said with a nervous smile as she went on the other side of the bed and laid down. Yuri walked to the switch and turned off the lights. Grabbing one of the candles, she lit one and placed it on the table next to the bed. Then she sat down, pulling something out of the table drawer, it was a book. She laid down as well and tried to get as comfortable as possible. She wanted to read at least a chapter or two before sleeping.
Natsuki on the other hand, was laying on her side, facing the wall. She couldn't sleep.
The next day.
The sun was up and shining. The blinds on yuri's window was a little brighter. Yuri rubbed her eyes, yawning, she glanced down and slowly, her face started to burn up. Natsuki was hugging Yuri, still asleep. Her face was so close to Yuri's chest, her small arms were around Yuri's waist and she had one leg over her's.

" How cute.. " Yuri spoke softly and gently, started to pet Natsuki. Her pink hair was so soft and looked so pretty. Natsuki murmured and mumbled quietly in her sleep. The grip she had on Yuri, went tight. Is she having a bad dream?
Yuri waited a little longer.

" P-Papa.. " Natsuki murmured as she quickly hid her face in Yuri's breasts.

" N-N-Natsuki.! " Yuri almost shouted as she flinched slightly, feeling the breathing going through her Pj's and hitting her chest.

" N-Natsuki! " Yuri shouted with her face burning up even more. Natsuki yawned and rubbed her eyes, still not realizing how close she is to Yuri. After she put her hands down, slowly, her face started to turn red too. She quickly pushed herself away from Yuri but fell off the bed once again.

" N-Natsuki?! " Yuri sat up quickly and peaked over.

" Ouch.. " She painfully groaned, getting back onto her feet.

There was an awkward silence. Both of their faces were bright red. It was like they didn't know what to do next.

" H-Hey Yuri.. What time is it? " Natsuki asked quickly as she fixed her clothes.

" I-It's.. " Yuri paused, got out of bed and rushed to the living room.

" We're late!! " she shouted, running back in her room and grabbed her uniform, " w-wait what about you? You did not bring your uniform? "

" I didn't know I was gonna stay over " Natsuki laughed a little uneasy, " But don't worry, I'll just say that I got my uniform dirty.. "

Yuri quickly went to the bathroom to change into her uniform.

Group Chat

Monika: Sayori and I are almost finished with the fliers. How are you two doing?
Natsuki: We're almost done too
Monika: Oo that's great! I can't wait for the school festival ✨
Sayori: Me 2 !! >~<
Sayori: Hey Natsuki, where are you? I'm usually the one late lolol
Natsuki: I over slept..
Monika: That's the first lol
Sayori: Yuri is also late! I didn't see her when I was walking.. ;-; she usually walks with me
Natsuki: She's right here..
Sayori: She's with you?? o:
Natsuki: yeah.. I kind of slept over..
Sayori: WHAAA o: !!! Monika, I wanna sleep over your house \^w^/
Monika: Oh jeez lol

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