Chapter 5

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Private Messaging

Yuri: It's me Yuri. How is everything?
Yuri: Natsuki
Yuri: Natsuki please answer.
Yuri: Natsuki!
Natsuki: What do you want Yuri.
Yuri: Are you alright?
Natsuki: Is that it? I'm going to bed.
Yuri: Why are you acting like that? I'm trying to be a good friend but you keep pushing me away
Natsuki: Goodnight Yuri.
Yuri: Natsuki, please. I want to be there for you
Yuri: I want you to smile again
Yuri: I want you here with me
Yuri: I want you safe
Yuri: I don't want to see you hurting anymore. I know I can't do much but at least let me be there for you

Natsuki didn't reply after that. She hid under her blanket and held her phone close to her chest.
" I'm sorry Yuri.. I'm just afraid " Natsuki said to herself quietly. Feeling pain from her small body, brought tears to her eyes. Another night, of sleeping in pain.

As for Yuri, she stayed up all night thinking about Natsuki. How could she gain her trust? How could she stop her father from hurting her? Yuri was puzzled. She never cared about someone this much before. She never wanted someone so badly. This was all new to her and for once, she did not have an answer.

" Monika, I don't know what to do " Yuri sighed as they were the firsts to enter the club room.

" You look.. Really tired Yuri " Monika chuckled.

" It kept me up all night " she yawned as she sat down in one of the desks, " It's hurting me "

" Ahh Jeez.. You never cared about someone this much before " Monika began, " The fact that she's your thought 24/7 and that she's your main priority.. Do you possibly.. Love her? "

" I-I'm just trying to be a good friend, Monika " Yuri hesitated with a flustered face, " Don't get me wrong, She's is c-c-cute but- "

" A-HA! " Monika pointed at Yuri with a foolish evil grin, " You do love her! "

" A-As a friend! " She corrected quickly. Monika gave a smile, " Don't ever hide your feelings for someone. Take the risk even if you might not get the outcome you wanted "

Yuri looked at Monika.

" You never know until you try " Monika finished, " That's my personal tip for you "

" I.. I hate you sometimes " Yuri giggled slightly.

" I'm just looking out for my friends~ "

Sayori walked in the club room, surprisingly be herself looking upset.
" Sayori, where is Natsuki? " Yuri asked as she stood up from her seat.

" Eh? Oh she said she had to go home " Sayori answered a little uneasy, " Hey guys.. I think something is wrong "

" What makes you say that? " Monika stepped in.

" Well.. Her neck.. It had marks on it " Sayori answered in sorrow.

" Do you think she might've tried to kill herself? " Monika questioned looking at Yuri.

" N-No.. Natsuki wouldn't do such a thing.. "

" Then how did she get those marks? " Sayori asked. Yuri felt like she needed to do something, she couldn't just sit here and try to figure out what the marks was caused by. She felt like she knew the answer but Monika's question made her even more desperate for answers. So Yuri grabbed her things and raced out the door.

Private Messaging

Yuri: Natsuki, where do you live? Please I need the address
Yuri: I just want to talk you
Yuri: Natsuki please
Natsuki: I'm not home.
Yuri: Where are you?
Natsuki: I'm at your house.

Yuri ran as fast as she could to her house. She was relieved that Natsuki didn't go home but she knew in the end, she has too. Natsuki was sitting by the door with an empty expression, just patiently waiting. After a couple of minutes, Yuri made it to her house.

" Natsuki! " Yuri cried catching her breath. Natsuki stood up, " I'm sorry I didn't- "

Yuri used the last of her energy to run and give Natsuki a tight hug, " I'm glad you are okay! "

The pink haired girl stood quiet. She honestly didn't know what to feel, she never had someone care this much about her. It was new to her as much it was new to Yuri. Neither one of them, knew what to do next but they were glad to be together.

They went inside and immediately started talking on the living room couch.
" So yeah.. After I got home.. He started to yell at me a-and.. " Natsuki's voice slowly drifted away and tears began to fall. Yuri couldn't imagine what Natsuki was feeling but the only thing she knew is that she needed someone to talk to.

" I'm sorry you have to go through that Natsuki " Yuri spoke gently, " When did everything started, if I may ask? "

" The day mama left us " Natsuki managed to say through her sobs, " He completely broke down.. T-That's when he started t-to drink.. And didn't k-know how to control his anger.. "
She rubbed her tears away, " I don't want t-to go to that p-place anymore, y-yuri "

" Then stay with me " Yuri said feeling her heart pounding. She didn't believe those words slipped out but she only wanted what's best for Natsuki.

" H-He'll find me.. And when h-he does.. I don't w-want him to hurt you " she answered with her voice cracking as she was looking down. Yuri's heart pounded even more. Does Natsuki care for Yuri? She was unsure but it kind of sounded like it.

Natsuki started to cry again, " I'll be o-okay "
Yuri lifted up Natsuki's chin, their eyes met. Time felt like is was going slower, it felt like it was just the two of them in this world. Both of them liked this feeling. Slowly, yuri leaned in and gently kissed natsuki. After a couple seconds of the peaceful yet passionate kiss, yuri pulled away and held both of natsuki's hands.
" Please stay with me " She spoke.

Authors Note: woah even my heart was pounding lol

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