Chapter 8

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Sunny and not much wind was just how each of the girls liked it. It was calming, relaxing and so warm. Sayori was on the swings with Monika, laughing and chatting away. The other two girls were walking around the park, happily talking and kinda glad they won't be distributed for a while.

" That flower is so beautiful! " Natsuki admired as she got on her knees and took a closer look at the pink rose.

" Wanna know what else is beautiful? " Yuri said as she kneeled down beside Natsuki.

" W-What? " The flustered pink haired girl mumbled, already getting the idea of what yuri was about to say. Yuri pointed at a dark red flower that was beside the pink one, " That flower "

Natsuki's face turned even more red, " O-Oh y-yeah huh? That flower is beautiful too! "

The purple haired girl giggled. Still with a flustered look, Natsuki pouted.

" You're gorgeous " Yuri gently whispered, giving natsuki a kiss on the cheek. She shot up to feet and crossed her arms, trying to keep a serious look, " Yuri, I need to confirm something.. "

" Oh? What is it? " Yuri stood up. Natsuki's eyes were filled with hope for something she was willing to ask but by the looks of it, she was having somewhat trouble saying it.

" Y-Y-Yuri.. " she began, " W-Well f-for starters.. "

" Natsuki, hold that thought " Yuri cut her off, " I need to ask you something really important "

" E-Eh? Oh what i-is it y-yuri? "

" Well.. Natsuki, as you know, I really care about you and I will do anything for you " Yuri's voice drifted away slowly, she started to blush as she repeated the question in her head. After a second, she took a deep breath, " W-Will.. You be my girlfriend? "

Natsuki's eyes lit up in joy and relief, " Y-Yes.. I will be your girlfriend, Yuri "

" Sayori, I'm sorry! " a voice from a distance laughed out as she was running from her.

" You threw sand in my hair!! " Sayori growled as she chased Monika with a handful of sand.

" It was a joke, I'm sorry! " Monika laughed then ran behind Yuri, " Hey time out! "

Sayori finally caught up and tried to get Monika away from yuri by running around her, " Stop moving and let me put this sand in your hair! "

Watching the two girls run around Yuri made Natsuki laugh as well.

" H-Hey! Don't get any on me! " Yuri cried, trying to get out of the middle.

The sun ended up going down, the wind somewhat blew stronger but it was a nice breeze. The girls were laying on a hill, watching the bright stars and telling dreams.

" When I was smaller, I always wanted to become a cook " Monika giggled, " But.. Now I kinda want to be a therapist.. To help people, you know? "

" That's so nice of you Monika! " Sayori admired then glanced at the moon, " I want to be a teacher.. So I could make school fun for everybody! "

" Don't have too much fun. You could get fired " Yuri reminded with a smile.

" Oh yeah huh? Ehehe.. " Sayori chuckled, she glanced at Natsuki, " What do you want to be? "

" Isn't obvious? I want to be a professional chef! " Natsuki answered with determination in her voice.

" What about you Yuri? " Monika asked, knowing the answer.

" An author of course "

" Oooh! I would read all of your books, Yuri! " The girl with the red bow said. After that, it went quiet. The girls continued to look at the stars, imagining the future.

" I am worried.. " Yuri mumbled quietly.

" Worried about what? " Natsuki heard.

" What if.. Things change? "

Monika sat up, " Of course things are going to change Yuri. That's life. What ever new comes our way, we just have to accept it "

" She's right " Sayori agreed, " But don't worry! No matter what happens, we're here together, we're friends forever! "

The girls smiled to themselves, they all wouldn't be the person they are today without the other. They all did look after each other, they all did help one another. They really were best friends. But for some reason.. Yuri knew it was too good to be true. She continued to secretly worry about the future when she knows deep down, she needs to enjoy the present.

" Hey guys, what time is it? " Natsuki nervously asked.

" It's quite late.. " Yuri answered then sat up, " I think we should all go home "

" Awww.. " Sayori and Monika pouted.

" See you on Monday!~ " Sayori waved with Monika as they began to walk home. The other two waved goodbye then went inside.

" Today was fun " Natsuki said and jumped on the couch, " If only we could do stuff like that everyday "

" I enjoyed today as well "

" Thennn.. Since it's Sunday tomorrow.. " Natsuki shyly spoke, " L-Let's go on a date.. Just the two of us? "

The purple haired girls face burned up, it seemed like she mistaken the memo, " A d-date? "

Natsuki nodded, " Let's go to the movies "

" O-Okay perfect "

Natsuki smiled, " You're so cute "

Blushing even more, yuri walked over and sat beside Natsuki, " You're the cute one h-here.. "

" I'm not cute! " the small girl replied making an adorable angry face.

" Yes you are cute " Yuri repeated and leaned closer to her, " But you're my cute girlfriend "

Their eyes met once again and so did that special feeling. Knowing that they're together, their hearts would now beat even more passionately for each other.

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