Rainbow in The Dark

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Ebony POV

I was speed walking down the side walk. I left my stuff there because I could just get new stuff. I could compel people, not like I had to pay. I looked at the sky "almost night time..." I sighed and continued to walk. "How do I even know they are my family? Maybe they are just some weirdo people who want a teenage girl for some reason...creepy." I shivered and tried not to think about that. "Or maybe... they're telling the truth.." I pushed that thought to the side. Then I realized I was hungry...starving even. I put a hand on my stomach. I was so hungry that it hurt. I didn't like hurting people but I needed to. I walked over to someone and compelled them "follow me. Don't question it and don't scream." She lead the person to an alley and mumbled "I'm sorry." Before biting them and completely draining them. They're body fell to the ground and she frowned. "I probably should start paying attention to how much I drink..." She sighed but quickly walked out of the alley way. I continued down my path to who knows where. I was trying to wipe the blood off my face. I hurried into a store and walked into the public restroom. I locked myself in a stall and passed back and forth. "Why won't it go away?!" I was panicking

Elijah POV

I sighed, deciding to let her room down a bit. I got her suitcase and found an empty room for her to stay in. I had nothing better to do, so I started putting away her clothes and setting her other belongings on the dresser. Once I was done I decided to take a nap even if I didn't need it.

-~-~-~-~-~ [that means 'timeskip']

I woke up, and it was dark outside. It was raining and Ebony hadn't come home yet. I got up, walked out of the room, and put on a trenchcoat. I went outside and looked for her. Along the way I found a dead body, I saw blood all over their neck, though the rain was washing it away. I quickly started moving but I was stopped when I saw a small shop. I decided to see if she had gone inside. I walked inside and asked if they had seen someone who looked like Ebony. They nodded and said "I saw one chick run into the bathroom and hasn't come out for at least an hour. She was freaking weird."
I sighed and said "I need to go on there, she is my daughter." The guy looked worried after calling her weird and learning I was her father. He just nodded. I walked inside the restroom and heard her talking. I knocked slightly and heard her say "give me a minute!"
I responded with "it's.....Elijah." I heard her feet shuffle and then the door unlock. I hoped it and saw she had blood all over her face, slightly running down her neck. I sighed and pulled her over to the sink. "Give me a moment." I got some paper towel wet and wiped it off her face. "I..I can do it myself..." She complained. I ignored her and got the blood off of her. I took her hand and walked out of the store. We walked back home together, in the rain. When we got home, it had stopped raining. I told her where her room was and she went upstairs and closed the door behind her.

Ebony POV

I saw my suitcase and looked in it, but it was empty. I got curious and opened one of the drawers. All of my clothes were in there. Which had been three outfits, socks and underwear, pajamas, and a swimsuit. The last thing being because I liked to swim. I sighed and changed into my pajamas before laying on the bed, I looked out the window and my eyes lit up like stars when I saw what had appeared in the sky. The rain had reflected off the moonlight like it wouldn't he sun and created and pastel rainbow. Smiling

              "A rainbow in the dark."

Word count: 700

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