It's Hard to Breathe

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Ebony P.O.V

I started down at the roped that were practically burning my skin, but not quite. Maybe just road rash at most, but I could stand pain like that. I took a moment to think about if my father and new family-- if I can call them that yet- were worried about me. I hadn't taken the time to really think about it.  I don't know them enough to be completely sure, but that can't stop me from imaging the all might Mikealson family frantic over a little girl they never really knew. My thoughts stopped before they start up again, but not on the previous thought. I was thinking about her they probably thought I have given up. How they were laughing about how this powerful witch vampire hybrid freak of nature was just sitting here. That made me mad. Really mad. I ignored my common sense of how this could be a trap and mumbled a few Latin words. I felt my hands grow warm and start glowing. I grabbed the arms of the chair and my hand burnt through it. I ripped off the arms of the chair, the lost support making it easier. I tore the wooden limbs off of my arms before I tying my legs and standing. The symbols and circle started glowing and I felt this pain in my chest. It only powered my rage and the circle tried to hold me down and away from escape. I felt the whites of my eyes turn black, my green iris' stayed green and only turned brighter. I mustered up the strength to just walk out of the circle, struggling but not wanting to admit it to myself. I walked out of the building and looked around, seeing witches. They came towards me and put their hands up and chanted at me. I felt my head practically explode with pain. It took everything in me not to fall to my knees and scream. I collected what strength I could before yelling out in Latin "Abite!" [Ah-bee-tay]
The witches flew backward and were knocked out from hitting their back on the stone buildings. I quickly walked out if the cemetery, rage painting my path as I walked out. Once I was out, I used my vampire speed to go to the compound.
When I had gotten there I saw my father, a worried wreck. His hair was a mess and he looked like he could barely breathe. I never thought someone as powerful as that would be worried over a silly little hybrid like me. When he saw I had walked in a wave of relief got rid of all that worry and fear within a second, at least on the surface. He walked over and hugged me, which I was not used to as we had only known each other for a little more than two days. I gently pushed him away, feeling myself calm down. I sighed "god... I despise witches." I rolled my eyes, knowing that was practically self-hate. I yawned, using yo much if my abilities made me tired, it always had. And I had used a lot of my abilities just holding back attacks. It was so annoying. I hadn't realized Elijah had been talking and had even led me upstairs before I snapped out of my tired thought.

Elijah P.O.V

When Ebony yawned, I was a bit surprised that she was tired, but I would ask her about that later. I sighed "here, you need sleep. I'll take you to your room." I was all too sure if she had heard me, she didn't even respond. But when I took her hand and eke her upstairs she follows so I assume she did. I picked her up and laid her down in the bed, putting a blanket over her. "Sleep well, Ebony." I still was worried and didn't want to leave her alone. I feared those ghastly witches would try to take her from me once more. Despite my sinking feeling, I left the room. But I left the door open behind me. Thought, when I left, I heard her mumbled something that made me grin happily...Good night, dad..."

Word count: 704

[Hey! Sorry for not mowing a chapter in a while. A lot happens. My grandma passed away, I have to prepare for a school trip to Gettysburg and my depression has been getting worse. I will try my best to write more often, but I might not always be able to.  Thank you for understanding! I hope you like this chapter. I think it came out good, tell me if it did. Constructive criticism is welcomed! Cya!]

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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