Telling the Family (Edited)

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"I'll only be a few minutes," Willy said, when we walked into his apartment, "then we can go tell everyone."

"Okay." He went into his room, and I went to see if I could cook something for breakfast. Looking through the cabinets, I found one that was actually a mini-fridge with some food in it. I grabbed the carton of eggs and found a frying pan. I then started cooking.

A few moments later, Willy came out of his room and into the kitchen. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked.

"Attempting to cook," I replied, "then I realized I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Do you want some help?"

"No, I'll figure it out." A few seconds later, and there was black smoke coming from the pan. Willy grabbed the pan and put in the sink before it could set any alarms off. "Oops," I said. He looked at me, and we both started laughing.

"Do you want to try again?" I nodded my head, and he washed and dried the pan, "Here you go," he said, putting it back on the stove. "Maybe, try to make scrambled eggs this time though, I find that they're a lot easier." I cracked four eggs into a bowl and mixed them, and Willy watched me. I was about to put them in the pan, but he stopped me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No," he said, going to the fridge and getting some milk, "But this will make it fluffier." He poured a little milk in the bowl, and I mixed it in.

"Now can I put it in the pan?"

"Yes." I put it in the pan, "Now, wait a few minutes, for it to cook a little."

"You're supposed to just stand here and wait for it to cook?"

"Yeah! Usually, people make toast or something to go with it, but I don't have any bread, and we don't have time to make any. Stir it now." I did as he instructed, and soon the eggs were done. I grabbed a couple of plates, and Willy put the eggs on them.

After we finished eating, Willy took our dishes in the kitchen and washed and put them away. "Did you like them?" I asked.


"Are you lying?"


I looked at the clock, "We should probably go tell them now, huh?"

"Are you nervous?"

"A little bit."

"It'll be fine, I'll be standing right beside you." He grabbed my hands kissing each of them, then kissing my lips.

"Let's go."

"What if I don't want to go yet?" He lifted me onto the counter, "Besides your shoes untied, we wouldn't want you to trip."

"It's not untied." Willy grabbed one of the laces and pulled, untying the laces.

"It is now," he giggled.

"That's because you untied it!"

"I'll tie it before we leave." He kissed my lips, then started trailing kisses down my neck. I felt him reach the spot from yesterday, and kiss that spot quickly.

"Willy, not today, I've already covered it up."

"You can always cover it up again."

"But I don't wanna have to cover it up again."

"Okay," he placed one last kiss on my neck, then bent down, on one knee, and started tying my shoe. When he was done, he helped me off the counter, kissing my lips. "I love you, starshine" he whispered, as he pulled away.

"I love you, too."

"Come on, let's go tell your family." He helped me off the counter, and we left the room.


"What was your original plan?" I asked as we rode in the elevator.

"I didn't have it fully planned, but I wanted to at Fudge Mountain since that's where our first date started."

"Sounds romantic," I laughed, "But I'd rather not freeze again."

"It was just an idea." We stepped into the elevator, and Willy pushed the button to the chocolate room. As we got closer, I started to get nervous again. "Do you want me to tell them, or do you want to?" he asked.

"I should do it."

"Okay, then."

"How are you so calm?"

"I really good at hiding when I'm nervous."

"Except on the day of the tour apparently."

"Except on that day, but that's because I didn't know who would win or if they'd be a good kid or not." We arrived at the chocolate room then and went to the house. "Ready," he mouthed at me. I nodded, and he knocked on the door. Charlie opened it and pulled us inside. I gripped tightly onto Willy's hand.

"Good morning, Charlie," I said.

"Good morning, Amandah, it felt weird without you here last night."

"I missed you too." I gave him a quick hug. I felt Willy tap my hand to let me know that my grip was getting too tight, and I loosened it, sending him an 'I'm sorry,' look, which he smiled at.

"What are you two doing today?" Mrs. Bucket asked Willy and me.

"We actually had something to tell you guys," I replied, tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

"You're pregnant?" Grandpa George asked.

"WHAT?! NO!" Both Willy and I exclaimed.

"We just wanted to tell you that we're getting married," I added quickly.

"When?" the grandparents asked.

"Does this have anything to do with what happened last night?" Mr. Bucket asked.

"We don't know when yet," I replied.

"When you guys left, last night," Willy said. "We found a tiny recording device in the ring, and our other plan wouldn't have worked, so we talked it over and decided this was the best idea. And I already had the ring."

"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Grandpa George asked again.

"1000% sure," I replied, with a small laugh.

"This is what you want, Amandah?" Mrs. Bucket asked me.

"Yes," I smiled.

"Okay, that's enough to make me happy." I noticed Charlie was standing with his mouth hanging open.

"Um... Charlie, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You're really getting married?"

"Uh-huh." He had a giant grin, on his face and gave both me and Willy a hug.

"Told you so," he said, so only we could hear him.

Willy and I stayed and talked to the family for a while, then we decided it was time to tell his father, and told everyone goodbye. I went around and gave the grandparents hugs.

"I want great-grandchildren before I die," Grandpa George joked. Both Willy and I laughed as we left the house.

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