THE MARK OF ATHENA fan fiction Percabeth XxOoxX Chap. 1

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  • Dedicated to Percabeth!!!

Ok, so this is my fanfic story of The Mark of Athena from the Heroes of Olympus series. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE STUFF BY RICK RIORDAN. ALL RIGHTS TO RICK!

This fanfic will be about the stressful love situations among our seven demigods! the prophecy "Wisdom's daughter walks alone/ the mark of Athena burns through Rome" shall be fulfilled... :b

Anyway,I hope you guys like it!and PLEASE LOVE PERCY! (hum sorry, he wont appear on this chapter :( I'll try to upload regularly. Anny comments or suggestions are welcomed!!!


Annabeth hated hating hateful Percy because of his long absence. She just couldn’t believe he had left her just like that. How dared he?. Of course, it was mostly Hera’s fault, but still… Couldn’t she get a break?

She was trying hard to read that stupid book about Romulus and Remus but she couldn’t make herself read more than three lines without thinking about how much she missed Percy. That Seaweed brain was driving her mad with worry. What if he doesn’t remember me anymore? What if he does, but he doesn’t care about me now? What if he’s got a Roman girl taking my place in his mind?

All this thoughts made her chest hurt. She had tried to be positive, but really, after eight months, who could afford to think like that?

She threw the book and closed her eyes, sitting as she was on the Argo II ‘s deck. She tried to blank her mind. The least thing they needed now was a weeping leader confronting the Romans.

Leo came up to her as she opened her eyes.

“Hey, you okay? You are so freaking pale…”

“I’m fine Leo. Thanks.” For some reason, even though he was annoying, Leo was the only demigod at the time (besides Piper) that didn’t bother her when he was around. Maybe it was because this idiot reminded her somehow to Percy. Speaking of idiots… “Why aren’t you driving the ship?”

“No worries aboard please. This Mamma warship ain’t going to crash while Leo’s on board. I turned it into autopilot mode.”


Maybe her lack of observations was what made Leo sit beside her and pass an arm around her shoulders in a totally friendly way.

“Hum, you know, Wise girl, you don’t have to keep all your thoughts and feelings to yourself”

“Don’t call me that” she said harshly.

“Okay, okay. Well… what I was saying is… you’ve got friends, Annabeth. I wish we were as good friends as Percy w—“ His voice caught a little, and Annabeth noticed. “… is. Sorry. But you know? That stupid Dirt Woman ain’t going to harm you anymore. Not with Flaming Valdez watching yours and Percy’s back.”

Annabeth almost smiled. Then she did something that clearly surprised Leo: she hugged him.

Since Percy had disappeared, Annabeth hadn’t smiled to anyone. She hadn’t laughed. And no way had she hugged somebody, especially a guy. She had been freaking sensitive about everything, and if someone got near to her, she would often reach for her knife, burst to cry, or shout at them. She felt like she was a complete mess without the son of Poseidon. She wasn’t sure about anything now without that goofy Seaweed Brain.

She whispered in Leo’s ear “Thank you Leo. For everything. You’ve been the one who’s helped me the most to find Percy. I owe you a lot” He hugged her back, astonished.

“Then I guess we’re hand to hand. Remember you taking us to camp Half- Blood? Man, I didn’t know what life was until I tasted those tacos…”

Annabeth laughed. She felt the muscles of her face like cardboard. She decided:

“Leo, from now on I promise I’ll also watch your back.” She hit him playfully in the arm “Thank ya, bro.”

Annabeth was finally beginning to feel hope again.

Then she heard Piper’s scream.

THE MARK OF ATHENA fan fiction Percabeth XxOoxX (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now