Chapter 5

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(2 weeks later)

Elijah had not seen or heard from Elena since the incident in the park.  In fact he had locked himself up in his room, no one had seen or heard from him since.  They all took shifts, one by one they would go to the door and talk to him about random things from his favorite books, to how their day was. 

Klaus sighed as he walked up the winding staircase towards his brother's room, as much as the powerful hybrid hated to admit it, he felt helpless.  What they had been doing now had not changed the situation at all.  They left blood bags outside of the room at the end of the night, that was their only way of knowing that he was alive, for the blood bags would be gone in the morning.

"Hello brother." Klaus said to the door, he listened closely and heard Elijah's heart beating and he sighed in relief.  "I went for a walk around town today, I saw Caroline again, she took my breath away, just like the first time I met her.  Hope loves it at the boarding school, I hate to say it but the Bennett witch has actually managed to teach her some great things."  He paused for a moment, better to just get it over with.

"I saw Elena today." If the situation wasn't so serious, Klaus would have laughed at the way his brother's heart fluttered.  "She won't admit it, she is trying to live her life, but I can tell that it is bugging her.  I don't have a doubt that she wants her memories, back.  Why she has not asked any of us to do it? I have no idea." Klaus muttered at the door.

"Klaus get your ass down here, and if you can manage to get your annoying brother down here.  It's Elena." Marcel yelled up the stairs.

Klaus nearly fell over, when he heard footsteps and the door opened.  Elijah stared at Klaus, his eyes glossed over.  He nodded at Klaus and practically ran down the stairs, Klaus following in suit.  When the brothers reached the bottom of the winding staircase, Marcel, Kol, Davina, and Rebekah looked up shocked.

"What is it?" Elijah asked, his voice raspy from not having talked to anyone in the last two weeks.

"Where's Hayley?" Klaus asked looking around the room.

"That's what I called you down." Marcel told told them, and Elijah sighed and began to make his way back towards the stairs. "Hold it Elijah, I was telling the truth when I said it had something to do with your girl."

"Then out with it." Elijah spoke, turning around.  Rebekah had silent tears coming slowly down her face, it hurt her beyond believe to see her brother in this much pain.

"Hayley, you know how she feels about you." Elijah nodded, almost ashamed that he used Hayley the way he used Katherine.  "Well, I think she is deciding to play a 'Katherine Pierce'"

"Marcellus you are making absolutely no sense." Elijah said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"He is trying to soften the blow." Davina spoke up, "She's going to kill her Elijah."

Suddenly red took over his vision line, and Elijah turned to look at the rest of his family.

"Find. Her."  Elijah commanded.


Elena smiled walking down the sidewalk.  She was happy, and for once in the six years since Elijah had left she didn't have to wear sunglasses to cover up her red eyes.  Of course she couldn't remember what she had been so sad about, but it didn't matter she was happy.  Her phone rang.

"Hey Damon!" She answered cheerfully.

"Hey--Uh--Hey Elena?" Damon replied confused.

She laughed, and actual laugh.  It made Damon smile, and he looked at his wife from across the room.  Bonnie looked at him confused, 'Good mood' he mouthed, and Bonnie smiled, it made Damon realize how truly lucky he was.

"So, do you want to do anything with the gang today?" He asked.

"Sure why n..." She was yanked into an alley way, and her head was slammed against the wall.  "Damon!!" She yelled, and then everything went dark.


"Elena?! ELENA??!?!" He yelled into the now dead line, Bonnie rushed up to him. "Go get Ric, and I'll get Care and Stef." He ordered and they both nodded and went off in their different directions.


The Mikaelson family walked into the boarding school to get Hope, they knew Hayley wouldn't go after her, but they still need to keep her safe.  They saw her talking to Alaric and his twin daughters.

"Hey Alaric," Klaus nodded at him, "Look some family drama came up and that the Bennett witch?"

He pointed to were a clearly distressed Bonnie was running across the massive front yard of the Salvatore Boarding School.  She eventually reached them.

"Bonnie what is it?" Alaric asked.

" line!!" She said threw pants, and there were three whooshes.  Caroline, Damon and Stefan all stood there.

"What do you think it would be?" Damon asked.

"My crazy ex." Elijah muttered, and they all looked at him, Alaric was the only one of the Mystic Falls gang not to look totally confused.

"Katherine?" Alaric asked, but Elijah shook his head.

"No, Hayley." Elijah corrected.

"Hayley?" It was now Alaric's turn to be confused.

"She thinks that if she kills Elena, it will get my brother out of his 'mood'" Rebekah air quoted the last part.

"Hold on, would someone care to tell me what the hell is going on?!" Damon asked impatiently.

"Look I will explain all of this to you later, but if Elijah and Rebekah are right, then we need to find Elena.  Quickly."


Elena groaned and rolled her head, her neck ached.

'How long was I out?' She questioned in her head.

She tried to lift her arms, but a searing pain made her force them back down, and her eyes shot open.  Elena looked around her, and fear filled her eyes.

"Remember this place Elena?" Hayley asked from the wall.

"Hayley--What am I--What are you doing?" Elena asked.

"I am going to get Elijah out of his funk..." She sprayed a spray bottle and vervain water hit Elena's face, making Elena scream in pain.  "First I will torture you." She said walking around Elena, and stopping in front of her.  "Then I will kill you."

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