Chapter 8

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Klaus had thrown Kai in Dowager Fauline Cottage, a place where he assured the group he couldn't get out.  Caroline stared blankly at the half full glass of blood in front of her, when Stefan walked into the kitchen and smiled sadly at her.  He sat down next to her and grabbed her hand, she looked up at him and tried to smile.

"Want to tell me what's going on inside that brilliant head of yours?" He asked her.

"I just don't know what to do, at one end I have always wanted Elena to find that happiness that left her for 6 years, and then at the same time I don't want to die Stefan.  I mean there are so many things I have yet to do.  My't even be...begun." She began to cry, and Stefan moved around till he was directly in front of her, and brought her into a hug.

"Hey, hey it will all be okay.  Just tell me what to do, and I will do it for you."  Stefan pleaded, and Caroline walked over to a cabinet.

"You help your friend, that's what you do." She turned around and had a stake in her hand, Stefan's eyes widened.

"Care, you are also my friend, and I refuse to let you die." Stefan held his hands up slowly.  "Look we will find another way, I promise just put the stake down."

"I hate to do this, but I have to agree with him, love." Klaus said from the doorway, and the other two whipped their heads around to see him.

"Look I know what you're thinking Klaus, and you can't stop me from doing this.  Knowing you has taught me to always be on my toes, and you know me, I will always do whatever I can to help my friends."

"I don't doubt that Caroline, which is why I have every person I know working on this, However long it takes." He smirked and Stefan looked between his ex-best friend and his best friend.

"Fine, you have twenty four hours use it."

She then left the room, leaving Klaus and Stefan in the same room, Stefan took a deep breath.

"You have no idea what you're doing are you?" Stefan asked, and Klaus shook his head.

"Honestly I was hoping she would listen to reason, but plan B, find anyway what so ever to save the doppelgänger and Caroline."


Elijah walked slowly into the room, paused and took a deep breath.  Elena sat there breathing peacefully, tears welled up in his eyes.  Maybe this was a sign, whenever they tried to be together something would get in the way, whether it was Katherine, or Kai, or Hayley.  All this ever brought was pain, suffering, and heart break.  He knew what he had to do, he just didn't know if he had the strength to do it.  Elijah swallowed his pain, and placed his hand on her shoulder.

Elena looked around suddenly she was in a gazebo, the same one she...

"Elijah!!" She said running into his arms, and he froze, she wasn't supposed to act this way around him.  "I--Kai tried to punish me by giving me back my memories don't you see, now we can be together!" She reached up and kissed him.

It took all of his willpower not to just back her against one of the many walls, and show her just how much he missed her, but he needed to do this for the both of...for her, who gave a damn what happened to him.  He spent over a thousand years getting rejected by women who shared her face, why was this so difficult.

"Why--What's wrong?" She asked and he looked down.

"Elena, do you remember what you told me right before we first kissed?" He said, and Elena thought for a minute, and then smiled.

"Of course I told you to find a woman...Elijah?" She asked her voice quivering.

"It's been six years Elena I've..." He trailed off.

"No, no, you know what no.  I don't believe you, look me in the eyes and say that you've moved on." She demanded.

"Elena listen to me, you need to move on with your life, get away from all the danger..."

"Is this what this is about, me being in danger, well guess what Elijah I'm the Doppelgänger.  I'm always going to be in danger Elijah, and you know what you didn't answer my question...please don't do this." Her voice quivered.

Elijah went down to kiss her lips, but kissed her forehead instead.  "Good-bye Elena." He murmured, because if he spoke any louder he might be the one to break down.  He turned and walked away leaving the woman he loved in tears.

He gasped coming out of the dream, Elijah didn't wait any longer to break down, silent tears rolled down his cheeks.  He did it, but now he had to keep his word, and he always kept his word.


Klaus slammed the book he had been reading and threw it into a wall, he had no idea what to do.  I mean the woman he...Caroline was going to kill herself within 15 hours if he did not find a way to get both her and Elena out of this mess.  He walked out of the room and walked into the room where Elena was sleeping, he looked at the tumbler set they kept there to find it gone.  Klaus shrugged, and placed his hand on the girl who was causing all the pain.

Elena looked up to see herself at the place where Klaus broke his hybrid curse, she rubbed the tears off her face.  She looked up and gasped, seeing Klaus standing there with red eyes, and it wasn't because he was a vampire...he had been crying.  Forgetting all the pain he caused her, she stood up and went to the man.

"What happened?" She placed her hand on his shoulder, he flinched involuntary.

"How can you be like this?" Klaus turned and looked at the water.

"Like what?"  She turned to look at the peaceful water with him.

"So kind and compassionate when I've been nothing but cruel to you."

"Well I'm having a pretty shitty day, and it seems like you are in the same boat.  So I will ask again, what is going on out there? Even though your brother seems to not care."

She looked at the ground, and he looked at her.  Klaus turned to her, and made her face him, and look at him.

"Kai Parker put a curse on you after Freya managed to take you away from him, you won't be able to wake up until the person you are linked to is successfully killed."

"Who did he link me to?"  Elena asked him and he looked down. "Klaus?"

"He linked you to Caroline?"

"What!? No?!"  She began to sob, Klaus didn't know what came over him, and he brought her into a hug.

"It will all be fine, I already have a witch working on a loop hole." He decided to leave out the part where he had a time limit.

"Klaus, you need to promise me that if you find no loop hole, you need to do what is neccesary."

"You know I can see what my brother sees in you." He said sitting beside her at the edge. "You both will sacrifice yourself if it means others can be happy."

"Yah well maybe you were wrong about me and Elijah." She muttered looking at the water below them.

"Hey." Klaus brought her gaze back up to him. "I have known my brother over the course of a thousand years.  Elijah will do whatever he thinks is better for everyone, but him.  Elena three people have kidnapped you in the past 48 hours, he feels that by doing this he will have found a way to keep you safe."  Klaus looked down at his watch, "Well I am going to continue to help." He mock shuttered at the word help.  She giggled, and he smiled. "Elena?"


"Promise me you won't give up on him."

"I promise as long as you promise to do what I asked."

"Deal, but it won't come to that."

"Klaus?" She called to his retreating figure.

"Thank you."

He turned and smiled.  Klaus came out of his "dream", and he knew what he had to do, but no one would be happy about it.  He needed to talk to a dead witch.

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