Chapter 7

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At some point over the night, Elena passed out again, when she awoke she was in her old high school's cafeteria. 

"Kai."  She called out, and he walked in carrying a bag of chips.


"Why did we change locations?"

"Because your little boyfriend has basically the entire witch community out after you, but I don't understand why they would all follow Damon."  He looked at her and smirked, "I though have my very own little power source" He placed his hand on her shoulder.  "They will find you dead, but first I have some things I would to try out."

Finally he pulled his hand away, and Elena looked into his eyes, was it bad that she was wishing she was back with Hayley and Vincent.  With them it would have been quick but Kai was a completely different story.


"What?" Elena still couldn't understand his reasoning.

"I have lowered the 'magical' components inside you, and now I can compel you."

"Wait...wait Kai, only vampires can compel." Elena said calmly even if she was screaming inside.

"mmmm if only you were right." His face changed into that of a hunting vampire. "But I can feel my time slipping away so...Remember everything Alaric Saltzman made you forget." Kai stated looking into her eyes.

Suddenly dozens of memories past her eyes, all too fast yet too slow.  She remembered everything from the time she first kissed him, till the time he left without a word. Something warm slid down her cheek, and Kai wiped it away, a tear.

"How? I made sure that Alaric was the only one who could do that!" Elena shouted, more tears coming down now.

"Now, now Elena.  A magician never reveals its secrets." Kai taunted.  "But I am interested, what was it that Alaric Saltzman made you forget." He said looking in her eyes.

"Go to hell." She told him, and she would have laughed at his face if it had not been for the situation at stake.

"Well I guess I just need more juice..." He said about to place his hand on her arm when a woman in her mid twenties walked in, Kai smirked, until she began to walk towards him.

"I believe you have someone that is very dear to my family." She then snapped his neck.  "That won't buy us long, but it will buy us time." the woman said, and ran over and untied the ropes holding her down.  Elena backed away from her, and the woman smiled. "I'm not  here to hurt you, in fact it was my brother that sent me to find you."

"Your brother?" Elena asked.

"Elijah, yes, he's been a nervous wreak ever since you were taken." She took Elena's arm and began to help her.

"I--Rebekah is Elijah's only sister?"

"You've missed a lot Elena." She said while carrying her to the car. "Don't worry you're safe now."  Were the last words Elena heard before drifting into her sub-conscious, even though every bone was telling her not too.


Elijah was busy pacing the room, looking at a new book every 5 minutes.  Klaus exchanged a look with Rebekah, neither had known how closely Elijah and Elena had become, it worried then that if they didn't find Elena soon Elijah would go off the deep end.  Then they heard a car pull up, Davina and Bonnie looked up from their job and everyone came into the one room.

"You know, super human strength would be nice about now." Klaus exhaled when he heard Freya's voice.

Everyone came outside and saw Elena in Freya's arms, Elijah moved before anyone could comprehend and held Elena in his arms.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Rebekah asked.

"I don't know, the only reason is that she is really tired, that Kai guy was using her as a power source." Freya told everyone.

"That Kai guy, just screwed you guys over." They all turned around to see Kai standing behind them, "And let me just say ouch." He grinned looking at Freya, while rubbing his neck.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?" Elijah seethed while still holding Elena.

"Oh it's a simple sleeping beauty curse, find who I linked her to, kill them, and your lovely Elena will wake up good luck." He gave them a mock solute and went to leave, when Freya held him in his spot.

"You may be good when you have magic pretty boy, but I have had over 1,000 years worth of practice, and the magic you took from my brother's true love should have run out by now." Freya smiled, Kai shifted uncomfortably.

"Wait? Your brother...ahhhhh....What have I all missed?" He smirked.

"Mr. Parker." Elijah growled out.

"Fine, fine I've linked her to someone close to you, one that you'll never want to kill." He smirked, "The lovely Caroline Forbes."

I know it's short, but I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger....

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